bart qee custom by october toys x hideousboi

TOYSREVIL: what's the name of your custom?

OCTOBERTOYS: The Hideous Dogby Hideousboi


TRE: how did the Bart Qee custom gig come about? what was the genesis?

GEORGE: Raymond (of Toy2R) asked October Toys to participate. Ayleen had created a Bunny Qee for the last custom release, and Raymond has seen our customs for a while on We have a personal collection of hundreds of Qee, so we were excited to be asked to participate; it’s an honor to be in an official custom Qee show.

TRE: what is your custom concept about?

HIDEOUSBOI: It’s just my concept of an ooky, spooky, kooky, uberpet. I drew influence from Oliver Twist, you know, when the guy says MOOOORE?

TRE: are you folks Simpsons-fans?

HIDEOUSBOI: No, I’m pretty worn out on the Simpsons, I haven’t watched one in about 8 years.

GEORGE: Hell yes! I have watched the show for many years, many Sunday nights. I’ve definitely slowed my viewing in the past few years, when it was on 4 times a day in syndication you kind of get tired of seeing it! After seeing the movie preview with Homer singing spiderpig, it had me laughing like the old days, I’m excited to see the film.

AYLEEN: Yes, I’ve loved the show since it was first on. I used to be a Simpson’s product whore, but not so much anymore.

TRE: do you think Bart is a pain-in-da-ass or is he just misunderstood?

HIDEOUSBOI: That’s a stupid question.

GEORGE: (To Hideousboi) You just don’t have anything clever to say!

AYLEEN: Pain in the ass.

TRE: If you were a Simpsons-character, who would you wanna be and why?

HIDEOUSBOI: I would be Patty, (Marge’s gay sister) ‘cause I’m totally butch.

GEORGE: I’d be Ralph, he’s got a great Star Wars collection! (and he only bent one Wookie!)

AYLEEN: I would want to be a background girl standing in line for comics.

TRE: Why do you think the Simpsons-character skin is yellow?

HIDEOUSBOI: I think they had a surplus of yellow ink when they started the animation.

GEORGE: Everyone knows yellow ink is cheaper.

AYLEEN: It’s yellow? I don’t see color on people.

TOYSREVIL: cheers for your time George, Ayleen and "Hideousboi"! in closing, please share with everyone, WHO ARE OCTOBER TOYS?

October Toys
We play with toys!

Formed in 2004, October Toys, LLC is a friendly toy company owned by three creative misfits. Our love of classic toys fused with our interest in art and design helps us develop unique, playful creations. Are they toys or pieces of art? Well, that part is up to you! / www, /
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