a guide to knowing your transformers animated characters and toys
admittedly i had my "fears" of the Transformers Animated-series when i first saw the trailers ... but now that i've seen the toys? (even in design/prototype-form) = im getting hella excited LOL

presenting my "handy" "Guide To Knowing Your Transformers Animated Characters and Toys" - with images and descriptions 'scoured' thru the www (can't believe i spent 2 days doing this LOL); for those who might be interested, yeh? altho it might be old news to Transfans, tis new to me and ima surprisingly enjoying what i see before me - any and all additional info and links would be very much appreciated, as i intend to update this list as i go along - thanks!
"Set on earth in a futuristic-Detroit (manufacturing industry being robots instead of cars), alien Transformers are thrust into a world populated by humans and automatons. As visitors to earth, the Autobots (Optimus Prime, BumbleBee, Prowl, Bulkhead, Ratchet) work in the human world, interacting with the natives." [via]

AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: OPTIMUS PRIME is a young commander of the Autobots. He's a born leader who is humble, fearless, and friendly. Armed witha rocket-powered laser axe, Prime knows how to handle himself in battle. [description via TFormers.com]

Cybertronian mode = stylized Truck - with face shield up and face shield down (toys)

Earth mode Prime will have trailer, sometimes with, sometimes without. has blue lips (LOL).

UPDATE 13.11.07: OPTIMUS PRIME (2 auctions: here and here)

UPDATED 15.12.07: Carded Images of Optimus Prime [via/via] = more detailed images HERE

UPDATED 16.12.07: Optimus Prime Voyager-Class [via/via] = more detailed images HERE

AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: BUMBLEBEE is the youngest and least mature of the Autobots. He's a bit of a showoff and always acts on impulse. The fastest of the Autobots, Bumblebee is always rushing into situations without thinking. [description via TFormers.com]

[resembles classic VW-look, human-friendly ... can see there's going to be a bigger push for this figure, judging from his (over)-exposure in the "trailer", IMHO :p]

UPDATE 13.11.07: BUMBLEBEE (2 auctions: here and here)

UPDATED 08.01.08: TFW2005 board-member Joopsta reviews the Transformers Animated Deluxe Bumblebee, including transformation-pics [mirrored HERE / all original uncropped hi-res images via/here]

AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: Designed for demolition, BULKHEAD is a one-bot wrecking crew. He's great in battle, but sometimes Bulkhead doesn't know his own strength. He may look like one mean machine, but he's really a softy at heart. [description via TFormers.com]

- big strong guy, similar to Fantastic Four's The Thing ... has big wrecking ball.

another big lumbering lug everybody's gonna lurve, IMHO :p

added: 25.08.07 found on ebay: Voyager Bulkhead Test Shot

added: 27.08.07 clearer protoype-pics = read more HERE

added: 06.09.07 Bulkhead-testshot reviewed + image gallery @ Transformertoys.UK

[read more HERE]
added: GREY-testshot on ebay [images mirrored here :)

UPDATE 13.11.07: OD-Green Voyager-Class Bulkhead (sample) on auction [more images here]

AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: Silent and stealthy, PROWL prefers to let his actions do the talking. He's a natural spy that can infiltrate any location unseen and unheard. Prowl's jump jets allow him short bursts of flight. [description via TFormers.com] ... is into kung fu, into "nature", the resident ninja-character.

added: 2.11.07

[peeped via Ebay - read more HERE]

UPDATE 13.11.07: PROWL (auction)

UPDATE 19.11.07: another Prowl auction [blogged]

UPDATED 08.01.08: TFW2005 board-member Glitch reviews Animated Prowl including transformation pics [mirrored HERE / all original uncropped hi-res images via/here]

AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: RATCHET Is short-tempered, grizzled and seemingly older than the AllSpark itself. Ratchet is the team's medic. He may be an expert healer, but his bedside manner is a bit rusty. [description via TFormers.com] (Ambulance)

- the Medic of the team and the most seasoned Autobot, and is the only one who's been in legitimate combat, leader, bold personality.


- very true to his Generation 1 look, two other dinobots will be appearing - "they are three crazy dudes" - so far we get to see SLAG:

added: 23.09.07 Decepticons revealed on cover of TCC#17 [read more here]

UPDATE 19.11.07: Screengrabbed Decepticons [more HERE]

DECEPTICON-DESCRIPTION: MEGATRON is the ruthless leader of the Decepticons. He demands unquestioning loyalty from those who serve him. Armed with a destructive fusion cannon, Megatron takes pleasure in the suffering of the Autobots. [description via TFormers.com]

- Cybertronian mode - fusion cannon intact, will look completely different by the end of the series

UPDATED: 22.08.07

UPDATED: 12.09.07 leaked partial Megatron-headshot and spoiler [read here for more]

UPDATED 15.12.07: Megatron testshot on ebay [via] = more images HERE

UPDATE 07.01.08: new images of MEGATRON-testshot posted HERE [including image-credits / via AllSpark]

DECEPTICON-DESCRIPTION: Megatron's scheming second-in-command would like nothing better than to take control of the Decepticons. STARSCREAM's powerful nullray cannons and incredible speed make him a dangerous opponent. [description via TFormers.com] ... sleek Jet, forward-swept wings, in G1 colors

added 21.09.07: Starscream testshot via TFW2005

added 4.11.07: multiple-shots of Voyager Class Starscream Testshot [reviewed on+all images via TFans.com / click here to read more]

UPDATE 07.01.08: new images of STARSCREAM-testshot (in both detailed Decepticon and Alt Mode) posted HERE [inclusive image-credits / via TFW2005]

BLITZWING: a triplechanger (in G1 colors), has a split personality, will have different faces (like Man-E-Faces from He-Man)

added 21.09.07: Blitzwing screen-pic via Seibertron.com

Decepticon-Bio: LUGNUT is more a force of nature than a DECEPTICON. MEGATRONās fiercely loyal but none-too-bright attack dog. He would gladly follow his leader into the depths of hell. Of the DECEPTICONS, only LUGNUT refuses to believe that MEGATRON is gone for good. When we first meet him, LUGNUT has devoted his life to preserving his beloved leaderās memory and vanquishing his foes. LUGNUT deems himself and any other DECEPTICON unworthy to take the mantle of leadership. Personality-wise, LUGNUT comes across as a cross between a pit bull, a Klingon and a manic street preacher.
Robot Mode Power: LUGNUT is incredibly strong, the Hulk to BULKHEADās Thing. He also carries a payload of mega-bombs and can spew liquid napalm with laser-like accuracy. But he much prefers to rip things apart with his bare hands.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Supersonic Bomber. [description via Unicron.com]

- a new character, like Incredible Hulk, devoted servant of Megatron, over the top, purple and green, missiles for hands, resembles Cybertron Jetfire alt mode (to me he's the equivalent of Blackout in movie, IMHO)
UPDATED 16.12.07: Lugnut-proto on ebay [via/illo via] = more images HERE


- TM2 colors - different origin story, starts out as a different character, very complicated villian, you will care for her ... (i reckon tis the Scorpornok-equivalent, IMHO) looks to be the only female-Transformer thus far, innit?
Decepticon-Bio: LOCKDOWN is sleek stealth fighter, a skilled hunter and tracker who can blend into nearly any environment. He lives for the hunt and for the thrill and challenge it provides. He has no strong allegiance to MEGATRON or the DECEPTICONS, but is more than willing to hire himself out as a Mercenary/Bounty Hunter.
Robot Mode Power: LOCKDOWN is outfitted with all kinds of high-tech weaponry befitting a robot hunter ā bolos, snare nets, electronic stun darts (which can prevent mode changes), etc. He also can go into a Predator-like stealth mode for brief periods.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Muscle Car. [Lockdown bio-description via Unicron.com]

UPDATE 13.11.07: LOCKDOWN (auction)

UPDATE 19.11.07: another Lockdown auction [blogged]

UPDATED 15.12.07: LOCKDOWN transformation on Toyskingdom.com [details HERE]

SOUNDWAVE: no description currently, but from the images, he rawks with an electric guitar!!! and it turns into Laserbeak/Lazerbeak! *swoon*

:: HUMANS ::
- Captain Fanzone (police chief), Sari and her father Isaac Sumdac.

Sari's interaction is nothing like what's been done in the past three shows - no annoying kid telling robots what to do, Autobots looking to her to learn about Earth, she is also a bit of an outcast.
- there were 4 Human villains shown - one is the Angry Archer, some can run fast, some can spew acid, etc (toys to come, no doubt :p)
- The Ark = grey, gold, burgundy - heavily G1-inspired
- The Nemesis = similar to the original, more angular, DWARFS the Ark
added: new animated-teaser 02.11.07 [read more HERE]
seen @ SDCC 2007:
if you have any new info or images you'd like to share with everyone,
do feel free to email me at toysrevil [at] yahoo.com - thanks!

presenting my "handy" "Guide To Knowing Your Transformers Animated Characters and Toys" - with images and descriptions 'scoured' thru the www (can't believe i spent 2 days doing this LOL); for those who might be interested, yeh? altho it might be old news to Transfans, tis new to me and ima surprisingly enjoying what i see before me - any and all additional info and links would be very much appreciated, as i intend to update this list as i go along - thanks!

AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: OPTIMUS PRIME is a young commander of the Autobots. He's a born leader who is humble, fearless, and friendly. Armed witha rocket-powered laser axe, Prime knows how to handle himself in battle. [description via TFormers.com]
Cybertronian mode = stylized Truck - with face shield up and face shield down (toys)
Earth mode Prime will have trailer, sometimes with, sometimes without. has blue lips (LOL).
UPDATE 13.11.07: OPTIMUS PRIME (2 auctions: here and here)
UPDATED 15.12.07: Carded Images of Optimus Prime [via/via] = more detailed images HERE
UPDATED 16.12.07: Optimus Prime Voyager-Class [via/via] = more detailed images HERE
AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: BUMBLEBEE is the youngest and least mature of the Autobots. He's a bit of a showoff and always acts on impulse. The fastest of the Autobots, Bumblebee is always rushing into situations without thinking. [description via TFormers.com]
[resembles classic VW-look, human-friendly ... can see there's going to be a bigger push for this figure, judging from his (over)-exposure in the "trailer", IMHO :p]
UPDATE 13.11.07: BUMBLEBEE (2 auctions: here and here)
UPDATED 08.01.08: TFW2005 board-member Joopsta reviews the Transformers Animated Deluxe Bumblebee, including transformation-pics [mirrored HERE / all original uncropped hi-res images via/here]
AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: Designed for demolition, BULKHEAD is a one-bot wrecking crew. He's great in battle, but sometimes Bulkhead doesn't know his own strength. He may look like one mean machine, but he's really a softy at heart. [description via TFormers.com]
- big strong guy, similar to Fantastic Four's The Thing ... has big wrecking ball.
another big lumbering lug everybody's gonna lurve, IMHO :p
added: 25.08.07 found on ebay: Voyager Bulkhead Test Shot
added: 27.08.07 clearer protoype-pics = read more HERE
added: 06.09.07 Bulkhead-testshot reviewed + image gallery @ Transformertoys.UK
[read more HERE]
added: GREY-testshot on ebay [images mirrored here :)

UPDATE 13.11.07: OD-Green Voyager-Class Bulkhead (sample) on auction [more images here]
AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: Silent and stealthy, PROWL prefers to let his actions do the talking. He's a natural spy that can infiltrate any location unseen and unheard. Prowl's jump jets allow him short bursts of flight. [description via TFormers.com] ... is into kung fu, into "nature", the resident ninja-character.
added: 2.11.07
[peeped via Ebay - read more HERE]
UPDATE 13.11.07: PROWL (auction)
UPDATE 19.11.07: another Prowl auction [blogged]
UPDATED 08.01.08: TFW2005 board-member Glitch reviews Animated Prowl including transformation pics [mirrored HERE / all original uncropped hi-res images via/here]
AUTOBOT-DESCRIPTION: RATCHET Is short-tempered, grizzled and seemingly older than the AllSpark itself. Ratchet is the team's medic. He may be an expert healer, but his bedside manner is a bit rusty. [description via TFormers.com] (Ambulance)
- the Medic of the team and the most seasoned Autobot, and is the only one who's been in legitimate combat, leader, bold personality.
- very true to his Generation 1 look, two other dinobots will be appearing - "they are three crazy dudes" - so far we get to see SLAG:
added: 23.09.07 Decepticons revealed on cover of TCC#17 [read more here]

UPDATE 19.11.07: Screengrabbed Decepticons [more HERE]
DECEPTICON-DESCRIPTION: MEGATRON is the ruthless leader of the Decepticons. He demands unquestioning loyalty from those who serve him. Armed with a destructive fusion cannon, Megatron takes pleasure in the suffering of the Autobots. [description via TFormers.com]
- Cybertronian mode - fusion cannon intact, will look completely different by the end of the series
UPDATED: 22.08.07
UPDATED: 12.09.07 leaked partial Megatron-headshot and spoiler [read here for more]
UPDATED 15.12.07: Megatron testshot on ebay [via] = more images HERE
UPDATE 07.01.08: new images of MEGATRON-testshot posted HERE [including image-credits / via AllSpark]
DECEPTICON-DESCRIPTION: Megatron's scheming second-in-command would like nothing better than to take control of the Decepticons. STARSCREAM's powerful nullray cannons and incredible speed make him a dangerous opponent. [description via TFormers.com] ... sleek Jet, forward-swept wings, in G1 colors
added 21.09.07: Starscream testshot via TFW2005
added 4.11.07: multiple-shots of Voyager Class Starscream Testshot [reviewed on+all images via TFans.com / click here to read more]
UPDATE 07.01.08: new images of STARSCREAM-testshot (in both detailed Decepticon and Alt Mode) posted HERE [inclusive image-credits / via TFW2005]
BLITZWING: a triplechanger (in G1 colors), has a split personality, will have different faces (like Man-E-Faces from He-Man)
added 21.09.07: Blitzwing screen-pic via Seibertron.com
Decepticon-Bio: LUGNUT is more a force of nature than a DECEPTICON. MEGATRONās fiercely loyal but none-too-bright attack dog. He would gladly follow his leader into the depths of hell. Of the DECEPTICONS, only LUGNUT refuses to believe that MEGATRON is gone for good. When we first meet him, LUGNUT has devoted his life to preserving his beloved leaderās memory and vanquishing his foes. LUGNUT deems himself and any other DECEPTICON unworthy to take the mantle of leadership. Personality-wise, LUGNUT comes across as a cross between a pit bull, a Klingon and a manic street preacher.
Robot Mode Power: LUGNUT is incredibly strong, the Hulk to BULKHEADās Thing. He also carries a payload of mega-bombs and can spew liquid napalm with laser-like accuracy. But he much prefers to rip things apart with his bare hands.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Supersonic Bomber. [description via Unicron.com]
- a new character, like Incredible Hulk, devoted servant of Megatron, over the top, purple and green, missiles for hands, resembles Cybertron Jetfire alt mode (to me he's the equivalent of Blackout in movie, IMHO)
UPDATED 16.12.07: Lugnut-proto on ebay [via/illo via] = more images HERE
- TM2 colors - different origin story, starts out as a different character, very complicated villian, you will care for her ... (i reckon tis the Scorpornok-equivalent, IMHO) looks to be the only female-Transformer thus far, innit?
Decepticon-Bio: LOCKDOWN is sleek stealth fighter, a skilled hunter and tracker who can blend into nearly any environment. He lives for the hunt and for the thrill and challenge it provides. He has no strong allegiance to MEGATRON or the DECEPTICONS, but is more than willing to hire himself out as a Mercenary/Bounty Hunter.
Robot Mode Power: LOCKDOWN is outfitted with all kinds of high-tech weaponry befitting a robot hunter ā bolos, snare nets, electronic stun darts (which can prevent mode changes), etc. He also can go into a Predator-like stealth mode for brief periods.
Vehicle Mode Appearance: Muscle Car. [Lockdown bio-description via Unicron.com]
UPDATE 13.11.07: LOCKDOWN (auction)
UPDATE 19.11.07: another Lockdown auction [blogged]
UPDATED 15.12.07: LOCKDOWN transformation on Toyskingdom.com [details HERE]
SOUNDWAVE: no description currently, but from the images, he rawks with an electric guitar!!! and it turns into Laserbeak/Lazerbeak! *swoon*
:: HUMANS ::
- Captain Fanzone (police chief), Sari and her father Isaac Sumdac.
Sari's interaction is nothing like what's been done in the past three shows - no annoying kid telling robots what to do, Autobots looking to her to learn about Earth, she is also a bit of an outcast.
- there were 4 Human villains shown - one is the Angry Archer, some can run fast, some can spew acid, etc (toys to come, no doubt :p)
- The Ark = grey, gold, burgundy - heavily G1-inspired
- The Nemesis = similar to the original, more angular, DWARFS the Ark
- all descriptions paraphrased from TFW2005.com
- toy-prototype images via TFormers.com
- Megatron Book-cover image via Amazon
- tip-off via RPG.net
- SDCC Prime and Prowl images via Figures.com
- Bumblebee and Optimus Prime toy-images via Shortpacked@LJ :)
- screengrabs (sorry about the coloring tho :p) from this youtubed SDCC'07-trailer:
seen @ SDCC 2007:
if you have any new info or images you'd like to share with everyone,
do feel free to email me at toysrevil [at] yahoo.com - thanks!