new from Kidrobot's October-releases is Junko Mizuno's KR-debut duo-vinyls: Keiko The Director and Kaori The Nurse:
the vinylization of Mizuno's principle-characters from her Pure Trance-manga (created for the Pure Trance techno-compilation CD-series / translated in English and published by Last Gasp in 2005) sees KR venturing beyond their usual recent cutesy-character fare and down the path of a decidedly more "adult" arena (with exposed boobs and all) - heightened by Mizuno's hyper-hentai killer-kawaii-ness, buzzsaws and ooze-creatures firmly in hand = appreciating the diversity and details, and definitely not for your average kiddie-toy-shelf display, fer shure! = *cool*
(above prototype-images of KEIKO via VinylPulse) limited to 500pcs each, KEIKO and KAORI are slated for a October 11th-drop @ US$75-per (i just wish i knew how big they are tho) - meanwhile Mizuno's preparing for a group show titled "Tender Succubus" (October 6th - 27TH) @ Gallery Nucleus [read more via Mizuno's blog / images via] featuring more of her signature-imaginery.
/// CLICK HERE to read more about 'Keiko Yamazaki' and 'Kaori Suzuki'
Keiko Yamazaki: the Director of the Over Eaters Treatment Center 102. Since her origns and training are a mystery, it is unclear why her words and actions are so violent and irrational. She is addicted to "liquid apple," a substance that is meant for use in the hospital, but when injected into a healthy body causes hallucinations.
Kaori Suzuki: a nurse at Center 102; one of the few sane people there. Educated properly in a privileged household, Kaori is a reliable nurse with a strong sense of responsibility. She was shocked when she first met the director, because she had never seen such a nasty person before. Kaori's brave nature keeps her determined, even against the director.
and here is Jonathan Ross interviewing Junko Mizuno for Japanorama (circa 2002)
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