"damn, i thought that was closer": the first indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull movie trailer
[peep hi-res trailer here and/or Yahoo]
the theme music is unmistakable and brings back wonderous memories of the Indiana Jones-movies (i lie - i can't remember much of it, senility thy bane) ... as is the fedora (not too sure about the aged-adventurer tho, no disrespect to 'The Ford'), and of coz, the whip ... and the fourth installment of the franchise will be an adventure fans have been waiting for (or so i've read) the past near 10 semi-odd years ... me? im waiting on the 1/6th-figure (but of coz i'll watch the movie - perhaps even do a Indiana-J-movie marathon right before the day of the screening ;p) ... meanwhile, via the generosity of George (cheers for looking out, G - you rawk!) and the cover of the comicbook adaptation by Dark Horse - here are a selection of Crystal Skull-imagery (which has thus far been pulled offa the www, of coz only from the 'Big Boys' :p) for your inquisitive-peepers :)