TTF09 WRAP-UP: Q&A Eddi of adFunture (Exhibitor @ Taipei Toy Festival 2009)

adFunture made quite an impressionable splash this year at the Taipei Toy Festival 2009 [tagged on TRE] - not least the debut of multiple toy lines and prototypes, as well as "live" art-demos from artists ARKIV (from Indonesia) and DGPH (from Argentina). Signings from Jukai (creator of G-Robot), Wen & Enzo of Filter017, Tony of WrongWroks, Wade Chang of Revelator - made sure the booth were packed.

Now that the TTF-dust has settled - TRE bugged Eddi Yip - Producer and Founder of adFunture for the lowdown of the event and his impressions from behind the display booth = CLICK THRU TO READ :)

[Demo Window Corner]

TOYSREVIL: How many times have you been to TTF so far? (Including this year)

EDDI: 6 years in a row.

TOYSREVIL: How was the experience this year, compared to last year? Or previous years?

EDDI: We were in a new venue this year. The fests were hosted in a mall in the past 5 years, so the foot traffic was significantly differently this year. This year, set in an art district, no shopping malls near by, the visitors to the fest were coming exactly for that; designer toys. What you got were customers who knew what these are and knew what they wanted to get right off the bat. The non-designer toy stuff got lesser attention. You got more quality visitors to the fest, and in turn, a better result.

TOYSREVIL: Sounds like a excellent strategy by the organizers! Did you yourself enjoy the event?

EDDI: I enjoyed the event. We had quite a few artists there doing signings, and at the same time, we were all catching up with one another. Since our business nowadays rely heavily on the internet, meeting face to face is special.

[adFunture Peeps]

TOYSREVIL: Did you score any good toys?

EDDI: Believe it or not, I bought other figures in the show. I got the TxT Kaiju by Tim and T9G. I missed out on Rebel Ink by Secret Base though, I over-slept that morning due to a bad hangover.

TOYSREVIL: Must have been a rocking night before then LOL ... What was your personal impression of the event? A Success or Failure? And Why?

EDDI: Well, I think it was a success, for the event itself. Take in consideration of the economy, we were surprised at the amount of products we got sold.

TOYSREVIL: I've been reading about the "heat" issue at the event. Any suggestions or improvements for 2010?

EDDI: Haha, improvements?? This element was the worst of this whole event! The air-con was down for the setup nite and the first half of the first day. The exhibitors, the visitors, everyone were sweating. This ultimately affected visitors not wanting to stick around inside the venue after they already got what they wanted to buy. But anyways, they fixed the problem the next day. This was their first time using this venue, they didn't know the power supply wasn't enough to boost so many AC units. Oh well, trial by error, I guess.

TOYSREVIL: What was your most memorable happening/incident/item of TTF 2009?

EDDI: I can't remember shit. I was so tired at the end of the exhibition. Looking back at Taipei now, everything is a blurr!

TOYSREVIL: A toy dream! LOL - How about 2010? Looking forward to going / exhibiting again?

EDDI: Why not. Did that for 6 years, why not the 7th.

[FYI: Eddi has done a recap for the event - viewable here / images via]
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