Foliage Mini-Munny Custom by Wanton Doodle (@STGCC)


Tis an exciting "street" where TRE Booth C16 set-up shop @ STGCC - right next to the charming Camilla D'Errico, a little further down from Tokidoki, and on the opposite "lane" where the folks from Artist Alley (quite a Soho-arts village vibe - which was kinda cool, IMHO). One of them (a stone's throw away) was the booth with one of the more memorable (and hunger-inducing) names: WANTON DOODLE [www] - where doodle lines and colors criss-cross and explode into a cascade of complexity and charm, IMHO.

Seen above is a custom Mini-Munny doodled "live" on-site by artist Mas Shafreen (dude, you should definitely do more customs) .... and posted-right is a quick snap of a covert spray-fix in progress (at an undisclosed location *cough*).

CLICK THRU for a write-up of Mas and check out more doodlicious-goodness @

PRESS: Mas Shafreen
Corporate cog managing communications by day, vigilante compulsive doodler by night (with the dark eye circles to prove it). It all started when I would write tasks for my staff on post its and paste them in their cubicles. Needless to say, they were not amused when greeted every morning with bright yellow to-do lists. So I decided to alleviate their misery by adding little doodles on the post its. It helped, especially those with some semblance of cruelty. Since then, I've been on a one-man doodle deliverance mission at work, leaving no blank spaces void, supplementing dossiers with doodles and explaining to my bosses the benefits of doodleology (and why I don't need clinical assessment). [info via]

On-show were wanton doodle merchandise here in the form of t-shirts, mugs, bags, custom skateboard decks, custom vinyl toys, custom sneakers and homeware.
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