Playing Art / Marcel & Jessica by LE LAB Toys / Exhibition @ Auguste, Paris (Oct 29)
When it comes to making toys, fledgling French toy-makers LELAB is not monkeying around ~ what with their first ever platform toy figure: PLAYING ART™ set to be unleashed upon the toy-collecting wilderness, along with the manifestation of their Mascot in 3D toy-form: the playful-looking Marcel and Jessica! A launch is scheduled for this coming October 29th at the concept store AUGUSTE in Paris ~ which will also see the attendance of the artists who have lent their skin designs to the figures, namely Spasm One, Aro, LeJam and Tizieu. CLICK THRU to get up close and cyber-personal with the toys and do pop by the event if you're in the area!
Standing 20cm tall complete with a bendable tail, a total of three designs will be released, featuring skin-designs from Spasm One ("Bali-Bali"), Aro ("Woodi") and LeJam ("Moon-K"). 350 pieces for each design will be produced with a SRP of 63€. In addition a BLANK figure will also be made available for 37€ each.
[Bali-Bali is designed by Spasm One]
[Woodi is designed by Aro]
[Moon-K is designed by LeJam]
(the eyes are stickers, it comes with a set of different designs of eyes)]
[Playing Art DIY]
[Above: Classic / Below: Wild version]
In addition to their first platform toys, LELAB will also be producing their very own mascots, MARCEL and JESSICA based on designs by Tizieu! Each mascot will be made available in 2 different versions: "CLASSIC" and "WILD". With a run of 500 pcs each and priced at 46€ ~ Marcel and Jessica stands 15cm tall and comes with real fabric clothes and 2 sets of hands.
[Marcel & Jessica CLASSIC Versions]
[Marcel & Jessica WILD Versions]
PRESS: LELAB is delighted to invite you at his exhibition that takes place in concept store AUGUSTE in Paris, on Thursday 29th October.
You'll be able to see the real Playing Art and Mascots... and even the artists : Aro, LeJam, Spasm One and Tizieu will be there ! To discover as well : some canvas, custom toys made especially for this event... and LE LAB's team full of good vibes to welcome you! Spread the news !
Event Source: LeLab Toys-blog