New Customs by dust: eisteddy baertram & Master of Puppets
Artist / customizer dust [blog] shares with us a couple of his latest custom-work, featuring Eisteddy Baertram (a Mini Smorkin' Labbit) and Master of the Puppets (a Fatcap). What is cool is that these were done neither for commission, nor for any particular event, but "normal customs", as David describes them to be (*Cool*). CLICK THRU for a closer-look and stay tuned for more incoming customs (3 x RAS, a BE@RBRICK and a MadL; all currently in-progress).
WHO: dust10_eisteddy_baertram
DESCRIPTION: Customized mini Smorkin' Labbit Series 3 (1.5-Inch)
WHO: dust10_Master of the Puppets
DESCRIPTION: Customized Fatcap Series 1 Designertoy. (3inch )