SDCC-Exclusive: Camo Cat & Rufufu by plushPLAY for San Diego Comic Con 2010 (Booth 5437)
Further to the earlier featured Mancat plush, plushPLAY shares with us the last of their exclusive items for San Diego Comic Con 2010 [tagged] showcasing two OOAK Needle felted sculpture: CAMO CAT and RUFUFU!
Camo Cat stands approx 14", and is the first figure in a series of one of a kind Camo Felines. The Bunny in a yellow Jacket; Rufufu is a budding young adventurer and correspondent of far off tales to the folks back home down the rabbit hole. Rufufu stands 8" tall. CLICK THRU for full-views of the adorable duo, and look for them at SDCC Toy Tokyo booth #5437.
CAMO CAT seen next to Justin Volpe's Hollow Walker (for size reference)