TOYSREVIL @ Culture Cartel 2025 (Jan 17 Media Preview Day)

The 2025 Edition of CULTURE CARTEL opened it's doors to the public on Friday January 17th at 3pm, where I had the opportunity attend the Launch/Media Preview (bless WOCOMM for the invite) a few hours before that, before needing to whisk away for my Pop-Up during the same weekend. Featured here are select videos, links to dedicated blogposts, and some words, cheers.

My primary on-site coverage was via Instagram uploads and STORIES, some of which is currently viewable via hash-tag #toysrevilcc25 (Hash-tags have not been working terribly well for some time now too tho, regrettably). Subsequent blog coverage were published after the event had ended on Sunday January 19th, including THIS, cheers.

While waiting for the media preview to start on-stage, I did a lil'video 360* plus "unboxing" of the media goodie bag (above), which included a Astro Boy X McDonald's Keychain, which I adored!!! (Watch my unboxing HERE).

Held at Singapore Expo Hall 5 (a first time venue for the event), the vibe was welcoming and vast, reminding me of other overseas hype events such as "ComplexCon" (as seen online), with multiple standalone booths and unique structures (never beyond a single storey tho), as well "traditional" event zones such as side panelled booth showcases and vendor tables lined-up aside. With the space provided, vehicles were as well comfortably on show, hyping up the event more than just "about fashion", I feel!

Comparing to past venues - which included the F1 Pit Building (for 2 years) and *SCAPE, THIS has to be my new favourite space by far, with the best vibe to be had, without feeling being "confined" into "spaces you can be trapped in", which in some ways reduces the notion of "exclusivity" ("possibly"?), but at the same time provide a enlarged "community" environment, to roam free from prejudice! At least that'd what I had felt, invigoratingly so :)

While waiting for the media preview to start, I quickly roamed about the venue, which was decently "zoned out", with some IG slideshows to share for me playing "hooky" (:p);

(Above MINISHI STUDIO coverage Featured HERE on TOYSREVIL)


(Above ToyQube booth Featured HERE on TOYSREVIL)

(Above look at UN1TED & MOGUL GRIN Featured HERE on TOYSREVIL)

(Above Pop Culture Punch showcase Featured HERE on TOYSREVIL)

(Above booth tour & unboxing for Rauthentic Featured HERE on TOYSREVIL)

(Above Art of PHYN Featured HERE on TOYSREVIL)

Would've really wanted to commission a "TOYSREVIL 20th" CNY couplet from GOODSTUPH's calligraphy booth, but alas time was against me :( ...

Here are a few video walk-thru I attempted (watchable here on Instagram), featuring location audio, cheers (Presented here in no particular order, sorry). Sorry Wifi-connection was horrid, so could not attempt "IG-Live" on-site recordings, which would've been hella fun tho :p

I as well showcased a quartet of "Cartel Vault Spotlight" booths, which included Pop Culture Punch (seen above), as well for G-SHOCK CAVE, McDonald's Vintage Collection and Vintage Star Wars Figures (CLICK HERE for dedicated features, cheers).

Ultimately with my limited timeline at Culture Cartel, I focused my attention and lens primarily towards "Collectibles" within my vision and path, cheers.

Alas after too short a time spent at Culture Cartel, I had to bolt for my Pop-Up, and even forgo'd the raffle for media held at a later time! Thankfully I was able to meet friends, both old and new, and hope that the next edition of Culture Cartel, that (A) I'll still be invited, and (B) I do not have other engagements simultaneously, as I'd be drained!

Wrapping up my coverage of the event are snaps & clips posted one my Insta-STORIES during the event day, now hosted on X for prosperity!

Meanwhile, check out Culture Cartel's socials + for bountiful coverage of the event and Best Fit features!

Hope YOU enjoyed yourselves tho!
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