a palm-sized gratification for my generation
been fcuking dying to replace my fcukedupmotorola p.o.s. thinking of getting a new mobile phone. i think i deserve a new one (not that i could really afford one lah ~ but i can dream, can't i? nahbey), after going thru my current fcuked-in-da-ass-mobile. but nothing has gotten much of my attention, until now ...
first time i saw this? POW! ~ i knew i wanted this! ~ the yummy metallic-orange appeals to me greatly and the design stops me in me tracks; "simplicity" is KEY ...
i tell myself: "just gimme a simple mobilephone; can make calls and have great storage for phone numbers can lieow ... dun even need camera, since i gots a digicam already ... and sure as fcuk's dun need arcade games and shitte ... no need music also lah, got discman already what?!"
now? = dun really mind a camera, as long as it can download to a Mac (my current one can't do diddly-fcuksquat) and music will be much welcomed too! heh. i am sucha sucker for presentation and material wallowing an easy sell ... :p
but then i found out about this baby:
and all i could do was *drool* ...
... but then i remembered im not one for swivel-phones, ya know? there's always thisparanoia feeling that the swivel would break; in time ... *any inanimate thing that moves or swivels will inevitably get broken* (IMO) ... but then again, i too realize that mobile-phones (in that regard), are meant to be broken eventually, so we'll haveta go out and buy yet another new one, innit?
i smell a worldwide conspiracy them wankers!
tho, i haveta admit; i dun reallygive a shitte know much about mobilephones and it's asthetic-appeal (as opposed to "functionality") and with what's out on the market today? fcukin'shitte loads of shock-n-awe with pretty much bang-for-buck by cramming every single shitteload of modern-amenities up them palmed-telco-goodness that everybody in the 1st and 2nd-worlds seem to have ... been wondering when it would be when someone utilizes the "vibrator-function" for custom erotica ... where "design" and "function" is now a "sell-point" rather than "neccessity"? ... and as these thoughts ran rampant in my fetidmind at near 3am on a tuesday morning, i find out about this nugget:

[images and news via CoolHunting]
the new Nokia N92 ~ andi shut the hell up about form'n'function i am tres impressed; i am. best thing?: i doesn't seem to be a clunker (go see them pictures here) ... and my palms are hankering for some gratification now! heh :p
a sudden design-blast-from-the-past:
anybody remember Xelibri phones? (from Siemens)
memorable designs (tho wif a slightly "negative" connotation :p), but heck ~ at least they were unique-looking? :p ... but of coz, more memorable was their ads!
click on HERE to relive the TVC :)
they were sellingdesign lifestyle before anybody (the general consumer anyways) gave a hoot and i reckon the ads did much better than the phones themselves tho ... but heck, personnally, i still think they were heads-above anyone else, even the lemons the one being churned out nowsadays ... and still ima thinking of purchasing their fine products?
... anyways ... me thinks the W550i floats me boat a tad more (something to get before the N92 anyways - this mobile might go bust before then, innit? HAH :p) ...what do ya think?

i tell myself: "just gimme a simple mobilephone; can make calls and have great storage for phone numbers can lieow ... dun even need camera, since i gots a digicam already ... and sure as fcuk's dun need arcade games and shitte ... no need music also lah, got discman already what?!"
now? = dun really mind a camera, as long as it can download to a Mac (my current one can't do diddly-fcuksquat) and music will be much welcomed too! heh. i am such
but then i found out about this baby:

... but then i remembered im not one for swivel-phones, ya know? there's always this
tho, i haveta admit; i dun really

the new Nokia N92 ~ and
a sudden design-blast-from-the-past:
anybody remember Xelibri phones? (from Siemens)

they were selling
... anyways ... me thinks the W550i floats me boat a tad more (something to get before the N92 anyways - this mobile might go bust before then, innit? HAH :p) ...what do ya think?