designer chocolate wrappers
:: DESIGN ::
first there was wrapping-paper. and now introducing artist-illustrated chocolate bars?
[read more via coolhunting].

i spy (so far): Gary Baseman, Dalek, Tim Biskup, David Horvath and Friends With You ...
food for thought (*nudge-nudge*) = where is the borderline between ART and commercialism? the answer: there ain't gonna be any. - and 06' is gonna be the year that does this ... collaborations between creators, vendors and merchandizers (long thought to be the onlytragedy effort of movie/comic-related-merchandizing) will bring said creators/artists to the forefront of the mass-consumer sub consciousness (more than ever before thought of and done); jammed down the throats of the everyman (i hope not tho) - but of coz im doin' a "chicken-little" and this is all good for the artists and the general "acceptance" of said-art in the masses ("appreciation" not withstanding) ... but no worries, them choc-bars ain't going cheap, so have no fear thou naysayers of commercialism! and tis for (partial) CHARITY, so i'd just shut me mouth ... but then again, it might mean the heightening of thee standard-of-living, innit? *heh*
first there was wrapping-paper. and now introducing artist-illustrated chocolate bars?
[read more via coolhunting].

i spy (so far): Gary Baseman, Dalek, Tim Biskup, David Horvath and Friends With You ...
food for thought (*nudge-nudge*) = where is the borderline between ART and commercialism? the answer: there ain't gonna be any. - and 06' is gonna be the year that does this ... collaborations between creators, vendors and merchandizers (long thought to be the only