a play imaginative visit (part one)
i wished i'd brought my camera when i popped by Play Imaginative's office yesterday (for a wee "chat" *heh*) - the toys on display were simply exceptional! (the show @ Galleria Foyer is gonna an eye-popper) and while i tried my very best to contain my fan-boy-excitement, i'd haveta say, you would literally have to see and hold the products up close (the images does not fully do them justice) to be able to appreciate them, IMHO ... the 18"-er Knuckle Bear was a gorgeous whopping monster (and yes it's like a wee child if you carry it in your hands LOL) and i know i haveta somehow get my hands on some Grabbits too - and a little heed here for fans = grab them while you can, becoz there's precious very little to go around ... so go bug your retailers, yeh?
the Adam Ape vinyls were ace = couldn't take my eyes off the Diamond Exclusive = uber-schweeeeeeet! the finish is gorgeous and the details are cool (removable airbrush spray and lil monkey LOL). the arms are articulated and the Ape-head pops out to reveal the Ape-skull underneath:

darnnit i gotta get me these (somehow) and mayhap if there ever is a Blank version (don't count on it LOL) i'd be able to do my own Toysrevil-version, yeh? *heh*
*more images after the JUMP*
Backy and Bocky are huge as well as nicely made, with actual "working" shakers = *shake-shakity-shake*

the TO-FU GUM figures are growing on me in a big way, especially with the cutesy-kiddie bodies that goes with the giant-TOFU-head! gives them a more rounded sensation, as compared to the previous Medicom-Kurick-squares, yeh? gives more "life", is what i mean ... (wait til you see PI's upcoming Evi-Robs, yeh? muahahahaha)

there's also the Jim Koch-designed Zugan and Dekoboko Boys = *sweet*

and folks, what you've seen of PI so far online is just the tip of the exploding iceberg, and without spilling anything more than i might have had already (which i doubt, becoz i've been biting my cyber-lips as i type this LOL), all i can say is watch out for more vinyl goodies, as PI goes big, in a very big way! :)
(cheers to Jacky and Darren for the eye-poppers!)
the Adam Ape vinyls were ace = couldn't take my eyes off the Diamond Exclusive = uber-schweeeeeeet! the finish is gorgeous and the details are cool (removable airbrush spray and lil monkey LOL). the arms are articulated and the Ape-head pops out to reveal the Ape-skull underneath:
darnnit i gotta get me these (somehow) and mayhap if there ever is a Blank version (don't count on it LOL) i'd be able to do my own Toysrevil-version, yeh? *heh*
*more images after the JUMP*
Backy and Bocky are huge as well as nicely made, with actual "working" shakers = *shake-shakity-shake*
the TO-FU GUM figures are growing on me in a big way, especially with the cutesy-kiddie bodies that goes with the giant-TOFU-head! gives them a more rounded sensation, as compared to the previous Medicom-Kurick-squares, yeh? gives more "life", is what i mean ... (wait til you see PI's upcoming Evi-Robs, yeh? muahahahaha)

and folks, what you've seen of PI so far online is just the tip of the exploding iceberg, and without spilling anything more than i might have had already (which i doubt, becoz i've been biting my cyber-lips as i type this LOL), all i can say is watch out for more vinyl goodies, as PI goes big, in a very big way! :)
(cheers to Jacky and Darren for the eye-poppers!)