Mark James'
CardBoy CMYK Cartridges [
tagged] awaits thy toy-toner-change available online now via
Playbeast @ £20 for a set-of-4pcs, limited to 2000 sets worldwide.
and to add to your 'complete'
CardBoy-experience, witness the birth of the spanking brand new
"Hopefully we'll be able to keep you posted on everything that's going on in CardBoard City. It's early days, and CardBoy is doing his best to learn to type with damp, broken cardboard fingers. It's been a difficult few years for him, but he's trying to rebuild his life, and hopefully through this blog we'll try and tell his story. We'll also keep you up to date on the latest news, new releases, animations, artwork, etc. Enjoy!"
= am sure we will indeed, Mark!