sideshow collectibles does 1/6 darth vader
and here is a peek at what's in store:
"The Sith Lord is currently in development at Sideshow, and is one of our most active high-priority projects. A Sideshow ’spec ops’ development team lead by staff artist Jared Chapman is working closely with sculptor Hernan Alé to breathe new life into Darth Vader. Details on the Darth Vader figure are as tightly guarded as the Death Star plans, so go ahead and dispatch your Bothan spies, or keep an eye on the newsletter and for news and updates and the opportunity to pre-order your Darth Vader figure in the next few months, as soon as he’s ready for his debut!" [via]
no doubt taller than a Medicom Vader - altho we HAVE seen an Anarkin-sculpt from SST before, would this new figure constitute changeable heads? An enraged Anarkin and a helmeted Darth Vader? (just keep the helmet separate and now a huge-noggin attachment please, thanks) ... pure speculation of coz and we awaiting in deep breathed-anticipation :)