when i lose control, it's very dangerous to be around me
A new Hulk promo-spot, as well as an updated official website showcasing fancy-flash designs as well as hi-res version of the previously posted Trailer 2 ... and with the advent of the MARVEL superhero-movie-crossovers, I'm wondering when would be a time when they do Inter-Company Crossovers? Remember those wonky dayz of Superman vs Spiderman, Incredible Hulk vs Batman etc? ... on a personal note, as I was rummaging thru my collection for old comics to "re-read", I'd come across a Steve Rude-illustrated Hulk vs Superman - now that would be a fight worth seeing, innit? (now before any fanboys go up-in-arms about the obvious power level difference, let's imagine a Superman with reduced powers, yeh? no doubt courtesy of Luthor - which Banner'll have to wise up to beat in the end, innit? heh) ... The Incredible HULK movie opens June 13th.
"Hulk thought it was "costume-crossover"? ... ... Hulk hate puny toysrevil..." *heh*
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