Legit concept designs? Or fan-made?

Either way, with the distinct possibility of director Michael Bay's prior mandate of
"dis-information dissemination" for TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN (aka Transformers 2), one has no choice but to chug an ounce of salt when it comes to TF-leaks nowadays - in particular this series of 4 images (found on both
TFW2005 and
LatinoReview] which frankly, were too delish to pass-up ... and yes, somehow this extreme MEGATRON in "
tank"-form (possibly a toy-concept) appeals to me perhaps becoz it looks like a very angry mecha alien Ver-Jay-Jay about to snap your head off ... *cough*
... Altho I haveta say (and wonder) -
what's with the cutesy-"toy"-watermark on the pics? Will the
true originator of the these pics, please step forth and claim your V-Jay-Tanktron! :)