amos toys' stash to be released october 25th

"Over the years Amos and Silas have built a stash which is made up of long sold out figures and products that we have conscientiously kept aside. The Stash contains examples of all Amos classics, and some Silas Specials too, all in limited quantity. These were kept specifically for our own store. When the Stash is empty then that is it! The figures are gone forever."
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What YOU need to know is, The Stash will be available for all Members and the general public on Saturday 25th October.

(FYI: The Stash was previously "opened" in the first week of October 2008)

Important Information:
- No more than one figure per colour per customer. If you attempt to buy more than one of a colour we will cancel all of your orders.

"If at any time in the near future we have reason to suspect that a Store Member is trying to sell any recently purchased item, by any means, for speculative profit then we will permanently revoke their membership. This is not a threat. We will do this! Re-selling is unfair to those who genuinely want to collect the figures."

AMOS ADDS: "Because of the scarce nature of these figures, and a thriving secondary market, we realise that some of these items have a much higher value than the original retail price. And considering we have held onto and stored these figures for a long period (some of them 8 years), we feel justified to increase their retail prices accordingly. Pricing has been set according to the relative scarcity of each figure. We have decided that we will charge an amount that will discourage speculative buying for resell purposes, yet will be under what these items would probably fetch on the open market. Therefore, hopefully real collectors will have access to these at a price that is fair considering the circumstances of sale.

We are about to put the very last of this Stash on sale. This is a chance for collectors to fill in some gaps. The stock includes many favourites such as King Ken, The WOP Policeman, Nokia figures, Leon figures, Evil Martin etc. Once these figures have gone then that is it. THIS IS THE LAST OF THEM!

Happy Shopping.
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