May The 4th Be With You: Happy Star Wars Day
My Star Wars toy collecting adventures has never been what one would call "epic". Whatever early Kenner action figures has been played with, abused (with liberal doses of rough-housing), painted on and even been pilfered by a former maid (as my mum has attested, as opposed to herself throwing my toys away - I believe my mum, BTW).

Collecting Star Wars in my early adulthood consisted primarily of 1/6th-scaled figures, most of which have been bought piecemeal - with the distinct intention of kitbashing my own Jedis, Bounty Hunters and wayward Troopers of the Imperial Republic. Not so keen on Rebels tho. I had scavenged parts and accessories from various Hasbro 1/6 - and at one particular time, was actually quite obsessed with collecting as much Hasbro-SW-parts as possible (trades, or even within a discounted price-frame as pre-requisite) to create my own SW-Universe - especially Storm Troopers and Jedi-robes!
Hey, the discounts were irresistible regardless of the quality (*cough*). And as much as I desired them, I never could find the heart to plonk down serious dough for Medicom Toys or even the vintage SW-1/6. In the recent lean times, it too would be nigh impossible a task, even if I had wanted to badly - especially with recent releases by Sideshow Toy...
And on the 4th of May, STAR WARS DAY [wiki] - I look around my room for SW-toys to do a quick photo-session with (for this post) and find that I do not actually have that much to show off-or show-for, with only Anakin and Luke Skywalkers in 1/6th from Sideshow Toys (MIB still) and a box full of kitbashed Star Wars characters borne from my own imagination and alternative interpretations of, rather than the actual known SW-Universe! (Well, there is an R2D2, but I've not idea where I put him :p).
[Multiply-album here / circa 2005!]
I can imagine now, that as much as I'd enjoyed the characters of the Star Wars movies (Hew Hope, Empire and Return), it was the allure of the conceptual notion of such a universe being created - which appealed to me moreso than the humanoid primary protagonists, like Luke, Leia, Han, or even Vader. I have always been a huge fan of sci-fi, coupled with the cliched-groups of a rag-tag fugitive bunch of characters - always makes for a more interesting ride - at least for me.
Flying thru space on the edge of the unknown, dangers abound at every crevice of every rocky planetary habitat, rebels on the move, the dreaded (and uber-pristine clean) Storm Troopers on the march. The would-be villain who actually didn't want to rule the universe (Vader, not the Emperor) ... but when Phantom Menace hit? I actually stopped thinking that much about procuring SW-Toys. Go figure...
Against hardcore SW-collectors, who may have every blister-carded, boxed and treasured production toy in existence - I yield humbly. But for myself personally, I am happy with what I have so far (of course I could do with more, but hey, don't we ALL?) and perhaps one day may continue to kitbash my very own SW-Universe, as actively and passionately as I used to.
[See more of Jarr-Ror here / dude standing at back ;p]
So what Star Wars Toys do YOU collect? Do feel free to share a story in the comments section, thanks :)