Specter Kuro Plush by Camilla D'Errico
PRESS: From the pages of Camilla d'Errico's second Tanpopo volume comes Specter Kuro, the variant of Kuro, a.k.a. Poodle. Cute and cuddly as he may be, Kuro's bark is as deadly as his bite! Specter is the purest white, but beneath that innocent exterior his heart is as black as his Devil's soul.
SPECTER KURO has a SRP of US$15 and is distributed by DKE Toys - do check with your fav retailers for availability. (FYI: You can also currently grab the OG-Kuro via Camilla's online shop for US$15 each!)
Frankly, tis one of my few STGCC-regrets - for not being to procure either Kuro-plushies (above-left pic from STGCC), or even Camilla's Tanpop comic (Vols 1+2) - seeing that she was my "neighbour", no less! ... *sobs-softly*