The Battle Has Begun: ToyerZ and Toyer Enemy by Toy2R
PRESS: Ready for the Battle Royale? The wait is finally over as two mech warriors land to battle one another for ultimate dominance.
Introducing the rebirth of the iconic Toy2R character - the Toyer. As Toy2R preprares for its 15th Anniversary to begin - we proudly announce the release of Frank Kozik's Mech/Kaiju take on our Toyer character: The heroic Toyer Z and the darker Toyer Enemy.
Packing some serious punch - both figures come boxed and are ready for display. Each limited edition figure stands just under 11 inches tall and feature 9 points of awesome articulation.
Available through APEX Trading Company in the North America, both figures will be hitting the shores just in time for the holidays! = Excellent! Hope these somehow make their way to Singapore ~ even though I may not be able to afford them, I sure wouldn't mind have an oogle or two! LOL ~ CLICK THRU for a closer-look!

[Lurvin' the retro-styled packaging box!]

Packing some serious punch - both figures come boxed and are ready for display. Each limited edition figure stands just under 11 inches tall and feature 9 points of awesome articulation.
Available through APEX Trading Company in the North America, both figures will be hitting the shores just in time for the holidays! = Excellent! Hope these somehow make their way to Singapore ~ even though I may not be able to afford them, I sure wouldn't mind have an oogle or two! LOL ~ CLICK THRU for a closer-look!
[Lurvin' the retro-styled packaging box!]