Star Spirit Plush by Kat Brunnegraff for Stuff This 3 @ Rivet Gallery (Dec 5)
Shown below-left is a lil "super sparkly" plush cutie named STAR SPIRIT; as done by Kat Brunnegraff for the third annual plush show; "Stuff This III" show @ Rivet Gallery (Dec 5-30th).

"Star Spirits are the spirits of the Shooting Stars that we see throughout the year.
This is what Shooting Stars actually look like! You can usually see them streaking through the night sky with ecstatic looks on their faces as they fall head first, hurdling to the ground."
While the above-right painting spied on Kat's blog is of a Star Spirit named "Chepi" (which means Fairy in Algonquin; a Native American name) ~ any relation, perhaps? *Cutness*

"Star Spirits are the spirits of the Shooting Stars that we see throughout the year.
This is what Shooting Stars actually look like! You can usually see them streaking through the night sky with ecstatic looks on their faces as they fall head first, hurdling to the ground."
While the above-right painting spied on Kat's blog is of a Star Spirit named "Chepi" (which means Fairy in Algonquin; a Native American name) ~ any relation, perhaps? *Cutness*