SDCC-Recap: Bigshot Toyworks @ San Diego Comic Con 2010


Before San Diego Comic Con 2010 [tagged] becomes but a faded memory (as if that could ever be the case) ~ Bigshot Toyworks shares with us a recap of their products that were on display at SDCC [Previously featured]. CLICK THRU to have a re-look, along with words direct from BSTW!


BSTW: "Our friends at DC Direct were displaying some sculpting work we did for them...World of Warcraft coins, God Of War figures, and some True Blood busts! DC Direct is always a pleasure to work with, it was nice seeing several projects wrapped up and on display."

"Toy Tokyo was offering the first production version of the "Mad Battle Man" figure, created by our friend Mike Sutfin! We were incredibly stoked to sculpt this figure and lend Reckless Toys some production assistance to help Mike turn his vision from 2D into a 10" vinyl figure. The paint turned out incredible, and it was terrific to finally see this piece on shelves and being snapped up by collectors!"


BSTW: "Then we popped over to the Weta booth to visit Greg Broadmore, and deliver the finished prototype of the "Lord Cockswain" 1/6th scale figure that we sculpted for him. The response to this figure was absolutely tremendous, and we're really looking forward to seeing this sculpt hit production. It was an honor to be involved in working on one of their properties, and we hope to be able to contribute more to the weird world of Dr. Grordborts!"

[TOYSREVIL had the honor of exclusively revealing Lord Cockswain online as the Con went on at San Diego]


BSTW: "Also on display with the forthcoming bust we're producing with renowned artist and monster-maker, Travis Louie. His "Uncle Six Eyes" character is the first to get the resin bust treatment from Bigshot, and we hope to continue working with Travis to bring his rich world of characters into 3D (left).

One of our surprise pieces was this prototype of "Blue Sky Noise", a resin bust that we've sculpted based on artwork by Esao Andrews for the band Circa Survive. Commissioned by the band, Bigshot will be producing resin statues of this sculpt for a late 2010 / early 2011 release (right)."


BSTW: "And finally, we've gotten the opportunity to produce this incredible piece for Mike Mignola, based on his "Skeleton Head" character. This resin bust stands about 9" tall, and should be available Winter 2010!"

Missing from the line-up above was Jeff Soto's The Seeker, which was revealed to have (at least) 8 different colorways in both body and different shaped horns/antlers, as seen at the Hi-Fructose booth!. Last mentioned the figures might come as a complete set, but that remains undetermined and unconfirmed. Perhaps we will yet see a separate press / product release for them. Stay tuned to TOYSRVIL!

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