Tuesday-Toy-Review: Punk Baby Punk Monskey by Abell Octovan


One of the many benefits of being an Invited Special Guest (and being a toy-blogger) at last years Munny World Festival Indonesia (by gracious hosts Plastic Culture) was the opportunity to meet the hosts of Indonesian artists! And with that, gifts as well from the folks, with this particular item from Baking Gun and BoyCott-creator, Abell Octovan, who had presented me my first (production) Monskey! "Punk Baby Punk" is her name, and these are her images!


PACKAGING: Interesting aside I've found out afterwards, was that this packaging was designed and printed by Abell back in 2009, while "Bigatron" no longer manufactures for Monskey. What stories packaging tells, eh folks? But no, tis about the figure, and Punk Baby Punk wants to come out to "play"!


PAINT APPS / FORMS / APPLICATIONS: I'll have to say the general paint apps were pretty clean for this figure, with a slight difference of thickness with the black outlines in the double ear-rings (neither have I asked the designer if they were originally the case in design). The purple/violet with black and silver accents gives the figure design character, and the chain firmly clasped in one hand, was a surprise and delight, and became an essential "prop" for Punk Baby Punk rather than a figure accessory, IMHO. Just be careful is she decides to slash anything or anyone tho!

Articulated at both the arms, and the neck, unfortunately for my 2.5" vinyl figure, the paint at the back-of-neck region seemed thick and literally cracked when I turned the head. Pity, that. Don't think PBP thinks much of the scrap tho … seems she is Ready To Rumble! LOL


CONCLUSION: And while I am totally unfamiliar with the market for Monskeys, it would be interesting to see the form travel (beyond my narrow-visioned corridors, anyways :p). And as much as folks used to berate on the form for riffing off on Munnys, Monskeys do seem to stand on itself, form wise (having been themselves riffed for yet another project, better left unspoken hahaha).

I have had the opportunity to see more of the designs in Thailand (for CLEA - will post pics alters in another post) but have yet been able to find out more about the figures, as well see it represented at store fronts in Singapore, so have no idea of accessibility nor price-points tho. A pity tho. Singapore might do well to see alternative forms like these on our shores, IMHO. Thanks again to Abell for the gift!
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