Toy Street Happening On Good Friday April 22nd


With barely a day to go before TOY STREET [www / Facebook] opens it's doors to the adoring public on 68 Mulberry Street from 12 noon (an lasts till 8:00pm), the question is: "Do You Have Enough Cash To Spend?"> - Good old American cash-money/dollars bills will do quite nicely, thank you very much! What with the goodness in store for folks at the New York City event, it sure is going to be quite a lil slice of frenziness, come crutch-time, methinks! And I am not even over-hyping here! Have you seen what's in-store at the event, previewed-above? Please do feel free to CLICK HERE to look thru them all - which includes features on custom toys, designer toy debuts, artworks, and even comicbooks! Hey, don't just take my word for it - check it out yourselves, yeh? And let me know how it was! (Snaps would be very nice too as well, thanks!)
VENDORS INCLUDE: Sub-urban Vinyl Toys / Argonaut Resins / Suckadelic / Sidekick Trading Card Prints / Sketchbot Studios / KupiArt / The Art Hustle / Superfreshdesign / Kid Robot / Jesse DeStasio / Massa / TooFly / MyPlasticHeart / Lou Pimentel / Toy Tokyo /Jelly Empire / The Toy Cave / HalfBad Toyz /Cookies -N- Cream / MISHKA / Toy Dungeon Studios / Tenacious Toys / Kweenz Destroy / URNewYork / Boundless / Nugo Labs / JunkPrints / GoodWood / DOOKW Jewelry.

TOYSREVIL is proud to be one of the media sponsors for the event. This is TOY STREET's second year running, and if you want to take a trip down memory lane, check out THIS LINK for my interview with Ganiu "Scrills" Ladejobi of Cookies-n-Cream (organizers for TOY STREET), as well guest-blogger Rob Losito's Experience @ TOY STREET 2010!
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