Custom-Feature: Greedo Munny of Star Wars by Jon-Paul Kaiser
In the wild wild frontiers of outer space, it doesn't matter who shot first, it matters who stays alive when the smoke clears. Han was lucky. Greedo, well, Greedo yakked too much for his own sake, didn't he? Folks who yak on indiscriminately always gets a blaster ray to their body when they least expect it, don't they? *ZAP*
"He's one of my favourite Star Wars characters, mainly due to his outstanding taste in clothing, and the original toy when I was a kid really made an impression." -says Jon-Paul Kaiser of his commissioned-custom 5" Mini Munny in the likeness of "GREEDO" - as known from his infamous death-scene in Star Wars: A New Hope - in stark black-n-white stylings of JPK. Sweet.
"He's one of my favourite Star Wars characters, mainly due to his outstanding taste in clothing, and the original toy when I was a kid really made an impression." -says Jon-Paul Kaiser of his commissioned-custom 5" Mini Munny in the likeness of "GREEDO" - as known from his infamous death-scene in Star Wars: A New Hope - in stark black-n-white stylings of JPK. Sweet.