TV-EYE Custom-Feature: "72 you, 96 for me" by Oomleo
TV-EYE NAME: "72 you, 96 for me"
CUSTOMIZED-BY: Narpati Awangga (a.k.a "oomleo") @ /
COMPLETED-FOR: TV Eye Toy Launching Exhibition & Custom Show: Happy Shocks, Victim Shakes, Guerillas Rawks by indieguerillas @ Lou Belle Shop [What / Launch Images / TV Eye on TOYSREVIL]
CUSTOM-STORY: "pixel-art object, in re-compose and counting about the dimensions and size. many are less concerned about "pixel dimension" via the desktop, or pixel-based applications such photoshop .. mac users versus pc-os-lover .. 72 pixels per inch of his mac, versus 96 pixels per inch of his pc. even so, this also happens when going to print the material digital works, hopefully the work of digital print operators want to mention the "reasons" are just as telling the client to bring the file with dimension of 300 pixels resolution. I tried the "report" it is through the medium of TV EYE. (transparent sticker 96ppi .. whatever the printer says about Their dpi / or quality)."