Taipei Toy Festival 2011
From our initial announcement post for the coming Taipei Toy Festival (, we've covered from vinyl toys to 1/6th figures, to even designer-tees for the annual event scheduled to launch Thursday July 7th to Sunday July 10th - in a four-day fiesta of toy-culture in one single-spot in Taiwan. In that time, the event has seen a variety of vendors thru the years, from established regulars, to new up-n-comers, in one of THE key events to attend, in the Asian region. Kudos to continued perseverance of organizers Monster Taipei, and the artists and designers who contribute to the spirit of the event (One of my dream destinations since I begun blogging about the event since 2006).
We've featured a number of available goodies which you can view in ONE CLICK, and as well here are some helpful info like Floor Plan and Event Schedule, to further enhance your days spent at the event. If you're not on-site (like I am not) - do stay tuned to TOYSREVIL as we attempt to bring you snaps on the festival-floor! Also do feel free to send me snaps (and your commentary of your experience, if you so please) at toysreviler [at] or tweet me at @toysrevil!
No.1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Taipei City 100, Taiwan
MRT: Chunghsiao Hsinshen exit no.1 or Shandao Temple exit no.6
*This is a ticketed event*