Custom-Feature: Plastic Beach Gorillaz by Mike Graham (for "Music To My Ears" @ TAG)
For his submission to the "Music To My Ears" group art show at Toy Art gallery (launching August 24th), Mikie Graham aka Zombiemonkie tackles the Gorillaz collectible with the result being "Plastic Beach Gorillaz"! wish i could use the actual "Plastic Beach" track as background music for the slideshow-video I made above, but alas my channel's been flagged for a while now LOL
PARTIAL PRESS: "This group of 4 custom figures each features its own hand made display base, and while Noodle does come with her very own base she can also stand proudly atop Russle's massive head, tommy gun a-blazing."
[Click on image above to view stills uploaded on my Facebook album]