STGCC 2013 and Me

STGCC was all about the "DID NOTS":
- Did not have a chance to take a pic with Linda / Vampy, in ANY of her cosplay. In fact, did not even have a chance beyond saying a short "hi" at the press con. Extremely distressing, actually. Great, now I sound like such a "stalker", innit? LOL
- Did not have a chance to interview all the guys I wanted to at the event even tho they had been requested for and scheduled, from Woes, J*RYU, Luke Chueh, to Nathan Hamill, Linda, Redjuice etc (beyond group interviews at the press con) - thru no fault of the event promoters whatsoever as they have been extremely flexible all the way in organizer sessions (my humble thanks for all the trouble Ying Ying) - but for my own family emergency issues.
- Did not have the chance to cover more of the event, having decided to concentrate on friends I know, and being introduced to new friends as well, primarily focused on my family instead.
- I choose "did not buy all I want" because i simply could not afford most ;p

(Click on image above to view press conference coverage)
STGCC was all about the "HAVES":
- Having people come up to me to ask for a pic taken with them, or even to tell me they read my blog, makes me an exceptionally happy person. I am not blogging to a vacuum, I am blogging to folks who take the time out of their busy lives to read my blog, and that is important to me.
I am under no assumption everyone knows about my blog, or have even read it. I never go gallivanting about thinking that people do. So when people mention they do read or check out my blog, I am grateful and humbled.
- Freebies are always more than welcomed (but less toys this year, for which I am less surprised about, unfortunately), and instead received more printed materials and publications, and for that, I am extremely humbled and thankful. It is a "sign", I guess.

(Click on either image above or below to
view my STGCC SCORES posted on Facebook)

STGCC was all about the "SELF EDUCATION":
- I managed to release a sticker sheet and a toy (collabo with Quiccs) during the STGCC period, but I reckon I will not ever do the "sell out of backpack" notion again, as it is truly a laborous effort hahaha
- At least two persons who did not necessarily read my blog regularly, mentioned that they had thought "TOYSREVIL" was pronounced "toys" and "revil", instead of "toys are evil", and I do not blame them at all, and blame myself for the lack of clarity in branding ;p
- I found out I have more folks from Singapore (and Asia) reading my blog than I would expect, and the chance to meet them face-to-face was such a joy and enriching experience, no b.s., bottom of my heart.

(Click on above image to view "Peeps & Me @ STGCC" on Facebook)
But in the end, it wasn't about what I bought or what I saw that made my experience for #stgcc this year memorable ... it was the "People", of meeting old and new friends and having the chance to meet folks who read my blog, all of whom took the time and trouble to even say a simple "Hi", and I am truly appreciative of this.
Sorry to quite a few folks I never had a chance to snap pics with tho, and perhaps our paths might cross again someday :)