Funko Does Beavis & Butthead as Pop! Vinyls

MTV's Beavis and Butt-Head makes a return engagement, this time as Pop! Television vinyls from Funko, with a December 24th availability. It wasn't too long ago when the most rad+perverse animation on the google box back in the early '90s, were these two delinquents, who created a slew of off-color cringe humor of shock value expressions and animated actions, which no doubt herald in the infestation of the downfall of intelligence on tv for animations thereafter, hereby affecting folks of that generation, who in turn would be able to cling unto both figures, and recite monotones of their memorable catchphrases, where subsequent generations might draw a literal blank.
Cornholio. TP. Bunghole. Ah yes, the good old yesterdays ā¦ lol