Peter Kato Answers "How Was 2013?"

WHAT: I asked a select few folks how their 2013 was, and what should folks expect from them in 2014, and this is what they shared with TOYSREVIL…

PETER KATO: 85% of 2013 was spent for me, on my hands and knees in nails, sandpaper , wood chips etc building my Studio- Cave.

I recall I drew you a BatCavish picture in your 12 Days of Xmas questions back in December 2012. Well completing that studio-space has given me the vessel to continue to learn, practice & produce my ideas from imagination to reality.  The rest of 2013 was about reconnecting with the indie toy community & my love of making toys.

PETR KATO: The continued learning, experimenting and building of better sculpts , more fun and complex pieces but always trying to find that one strong silouette of a happy cute new toy. I hope I get a few of those this year, we'll see.

Also, to be around those in the community more this year, to not be such a studio-troll and to venture out and participate with everyone more, as a fan and as an artist. Whether its to be on a long line for a new cool toy release or doing my best in a piece for a group show, I'll be there this year.

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NOTE: All Images in this post were provided for by the artist because he rocks.
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