#CSCTOYSCORE June 29th Edition

This is what I call a "show-off" post - showcasing what I purchased at China Square Central - affectionally known as "CSC" in Singapore - NOT because they are big-ticket items to be "shown-off" per se, but of sharing my addiction for toys, the irony biding I had never initially meant to pop by, as I needed to save up for my trip yto Thailand next weekend for Bangkok Comic Con 2014 (4-6 July)! But then again, best laid plans means naught, to the lure of TOYS!!!!!
FYI: Each image is URL-linked to it's original snap on my Instagram @toysrevil - Feel free to "Like" the pic, and Follow Me for more toy-snaps and eventual coverage of #bkkcomiccon!

Totally enjoyed my Art of War Dunny from Drilone! Featuring relief studs (not painted on) and the usual "decay" but not overtly, this piece felt the closest to a "DrilOne" custom released from KR thus far, and will now happily join my small but cherished Drils-collection :) ... Thanks, Mike!

Simply could not resist getting all 3 editions of Patricio Oliver's AoW Dunnys! Would make a swell addition to "WAR" from the Apocalypse Dunnys. Am always down with PO!'s design, and while I own zero of his earlier toy releases, I am glad there are still Dunnys of his work to be had :)

"The bigger sword will win this battle!"
"My bet is on the dude with the smaller blade ā¦"

Spotted this GODZILL@ BE@RBRICK (from Series 28) on the cashier's desk n Ozzo Collection, asked if it was anyone's reserved piece, Mike said "no", and I made it mine. Simple story. Straight up toy-luck. Now I NEED to find the Chinese Vampire BB, and I'll be done and good!

EVIROB To-Fu from DEVILROBOTS had a hard time standing properly until I force-twisted the feet of tis 4-inch tall figure LOL ā¦. have always loved EVIROB, but never really own enough of it tho :p ... 2-for-price-of-1 deal now happening at the Play Imaginative Store :)