TOYSREVIL's Top Ten Toys For 2014 - #2: APO Frogs from Twelvedot
As mentioned before, I am a person who responds to tangible - where seeing the item physically in front of me, is heightened by actually holding the item in-hand, would make or break my desire or devotion to a toy. Twelvedot's APO FROG was a prime example.
As adorable as it looked online when I first blogged about it, truthfully I had no advance plans to procure it at STGCC, but for popping by the booth and meeting the artist ā¦ but my heart was hooked once I cradled one in my hand, and subsequently threw my financial plans out the moving bus and snagged one, and have not looked back since! HUGE hugs to Hyunseung Rim's and Faye Kim's generosity, my Strawberry Banana's adventures in Singapore and in TOYSREVIL HQ would not be spent alone!
And my fondest toywish is to increase their ranks in my humble collection :)
I just realized, I had been posting oodles of images of the uber photogenic pair, but never truly reviewed them in detail! Stay tuned and bookmark "APOFrogs" on this blog, to stay updated for more!
Meanwhile, go "toy-stalk" Twelvedot on their Facebook for updates on releases, and check in with your own fav retailers for availability :)