This is ANDY! BE@RBRICKs & Vinyl Collectible Dolls from Medicom Toy
The name "Andy Warhol" is synonymous with the words "Pop Art", and today his legacy lives on in TOYS, with Japan's Medicom Toy offering up a 400% and 1000% BE@RBRICK Andy Warhol SILK SCREEN Versions, as well Vinyl Collectible Dolls (VCDs).
BE@RBRICK Ver. 400% is ¥9,504 (400% = 280mm height), while 1000% is ¥38,880 (1000% = 700mm), for a late-August 2015 ship-out. Further details here, and do check in with your fav retailer(s) otherwise.
There are two designs for "This is ANDY!" VCDs this round of release, with the above-featured SILK SCREEN Green Ver., and seen below is the NAY Ver. Standing approximately 250mm tall, the Navy version comes along with a mask and banana. With a SRP of ¥7,480 each - do check in with your fav retailer(s) for availability and pricing of these sofubi pieces.
Larger images have since been featured on my new POPAAART! blog, including a Banana Plush!