XXRAY by Mighty Jaxx: Colored Dissected Batman & Superman, and STGCC Display Debut

Mighty Jaxx has revealed their SUPERMAN and BATMAN Dissected figures in a new line titled "XXRAY", with fully painted prototype collectibles possibly releasing in "a very limited production run". Further details as I get them. This pair will be perfect for when Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman film hits, no?
And no doubt a sweet mesh with popular geek culture, utilizing Freeny's anatomical style on these DC comics characters = gonna go down real well with both niche toy collectors of superheroes and the masses, no?

First making their public display debut at the 2015 #STGCC (after being teased online), the unpainted figures on show as well included Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg - in addition to Batman and Superman. These are essentially the "New 52" versions of the "Justice League of America", and are licensed products from DC Comics and Warner.
As well the team for this series include local artist Ben Qwek as Creative Director, Jason Freeny as "Expert Artist, Adam Tan as "heir Sculptor", and Bane Tan as "Production Manager". Check out more images of the MJ display at STGCC HERE on FB!

PRESS: "Conceptualized by Singapore's urban art collectibles stdio, Mighty Jaxx reveals our latest project, XXRAY. Designed with the intent of granting collectors X-Ray vision, you can now view the anatomy of your favorite characters such as Batman and Superman! The comical dissection is stylized by none other than the dissection guru himself, popular artist Jason Freeny!"