Custom-Feature: Sturnbrau & Sketchup Dunny custom set from JonPaul Kaiser
"These are a custom set with a very fitting nautical theme to tie them together, with an older Captain Sturnbrau gathering more tattoos and a new emblem on his hat, a sign of the distances he has travelled in the Whispering Corsair. The Sketch Dunny shows the battle between an sperm whale and a giant Kraken-like squid, slugging it out in the confines of an old grog bottle, with the ship that once sailed there lying sunken on the sea bed. There were for a private client and were photographed by Justin Allfree." - shared JonPaul KaiserNow you need to go click on the below images to see them larger on JPK's Instagram
(Additional images via new owner of these customs; IG @always_colin)