Quiccs x The 3D Hero's TEQ63: Brightstar OG & Atomic Star Editions for Friday 13th Release!
Scheduled for releases this coming September Friday 13th are TWO editions of TEQ63 6-inch tall vinyl collectible figure from Quiccs x The 3D Hero x Martian Toys - exclusive to retailers myplasticheart and Mintyfresh!
The duo-drop scenario is similar to the earlier SERGANDDESTROY Editions (released for Rotofugi and Mindzai, in late-August), while this is the3dhero's THIRD color way release, with Brightstar Blue being the first for Tenacious Toys' FivePointsFest exclusives line-up, and is apart of Martian Toys' "ARTIST SERIES TEQ63" (*which sees other artists interpreting the skin-designs of Quiccs' original TEQ63 body form).
Featured above is the myplasticheart-exclusive "TEQ63 Brightstar OG edition" - dropping online 12PM EST, and is in a limited edition of 100pcs worldwide, priced at US$80 per. According to @myplasticheart, there will be a limited stock made available in-store.
Featured below is the Mintyfresh exclusive "TEQ63 Atomic Star edition - drops 16:00 Amsterdam time (10AM EST) / 10pm (Hong kong) / 4PM (AMSterdam), and is as well a limited edition of 100pcs worldwide, priced at €89,95.