Taipei Toy Festival 2019 (Oct 10-13)

The "Sweet Sixteen" Edition of the annual Taipei Toy Festival 2019 opened its doors today October 10th, and will be exhibiting thru October 13th, featuring an entire event dedicated primarily to TOYS and COLLECTIBLES, some of which has been featured on TOYSREVIL!

In lieu of my being physically there (NO, the V.I.P. tix shown is not mine - I WISH! ... altho TTF has become THE dream destination for me), here instead are a collection of BOOTH snaps (some a day before, some on the first day), along with a link to their Instagram slideshow(s), and of course coverage on TOYSREVIL.

You might also want to stay connected to the event's dedicated Insta @taipeitoyfestival :)

Here's crossing our fingers it does not rain! (It ALWAYS rains during TTF :p).

Have an awesome TOY FESTIVAL, folks!

More images of the BLACKBOOK TOY (Booth A66) on Insta: @nigo_bbt
>>> PIGGUMS featured on TOYSREVIL!

More images of the UNBOX INDUSTRIES (Booth A73-A74) on Insta: @unboxindustries
>>> Featured HERE on TOYSREVIL!

More images of T9G's display at THE LITTLE HUT (Booth A19) on Insta: @xt9gx
>>> Featured HERE on TOYSREVIL!

@facter and @ggnwtoys at Booth A98
>>> Irikanji Toys featured HERE / 's KAIJUNIOR featured HERE!

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TTF2019 Day 1. Come & visit my booth! A91✨ #ttf2019

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#TTF #TTF2019 #a95 #touma #toumart #toumartinc

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(〃´・ω・`) TTF2019始まりました。僕はブースにいたりロンギャラリーにいたりしますが、どちらとも原画やカスタムペイント系販売してます。是非お越し下さい。 【booth A26-1】 TTF2019 started. I go to the booth or Ron Gallery, both of which sell original drawings and custom paints. Please come by all means. Teppei Nakao the artist behind Sushi L.A. will be at the Global Figure Showcase booth (A26-1) at Taiwan Toy Festival! . Teppei Nakao is a Japanese illustrator well known for a unique style and his quirky outlook on the world. His commercial illustration work has been featured in a wide range of media including magazine covers, book design, print advertisements, TV commercials, and web sites. He has held numerous personal gallery exhibitions and organizes Frisbee Paint Workshops (FPW) at outdoor events all over Japan. . There will be a smorgasbord of Sushi L.A. releases available at the show including the new Sea Bream and Tamago versions! Also a collaboration with Taiwan Designer Toy superstar Momoco Studio! Sushi L.A. of the Living Dead!! Teppei will be drawing on Frisbees and slinging the sushi so please stop by and put in an order!! . Fig-lab + Toys To Art present Global Figure Showcase - Booth A26-1 TAIPEI TOY FESTIVAL 2019 DATE: 2019.10.10 (Thu.) ~ 2019.10.13 (Sun.) LOCATION: Huashan Creative Park / Building East 2 & Building Center 4B (1F & 2F) No.1,Bade Road Sec.1,Zhong Zhen District,Taipei 100 MAIN VISUAL DESIGN: MOE NAKAMURA ORGANIZER: MONSTER TAIPEI INTERNATIONAL INC. . . Instagram: @nakao_teppei_illustration . #teppeinakao #nakaoteppei #sushiLA #TTF #ttf2019 #taipeitoyfestival #taipeitoyfestival2019 #designertoy #toyart #toystoart

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TTF2019 Both C04-C05 hidomira Day 1 販售規則 A part : 先到先得 每人每種限購一隻 禁止重複排隊購買 請遵守隊伍秩序 「 微小怪獸 」「 社畜怪獸 」「 58teethtoys 」「 Cancertoy 」「 貓玉&魚丸 」「 redhotstyle 」 B part : 抽選販售 每人限簽一張 重複無效 1. 請關注hidomira店舖Ins帳號 2.將號碼拍照DM給我們 3.本次抽籤兩款可同時參與 4.發簽時間AM11:30開始,共計各60張簽,發完為止 5.中籤信息將於Ins公布並私訊獲獎者,請留意Ins並於當天展會結束前至展台購買 Chubbytoy“Dimmy” —— 6只 (綠色號碼簽 60張 均有蓋章) Chubbytoy“Qeo” —— 6只 (紫色號碼簽 60張 均有蓋章) * 私訊請只拍號碼照片 切勿留言 謝謝大家支持我們 也希望大家購買愉快 我們也將盡力維護現場秩序 避免非必要事件發生🙏🙏🙏。 @deehahaha @mermurstudio @djeep009 @58teethtoys @leedaiiidiii @roooockyyy @redhotstyle.300 #kaiju #minikaiju #minisofubi #kaijutoy #sofubi #sofbi #sofuvi #sofubitoy #sofubitoys #TTF #ttf2019 #華山文創園區#hidomira

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Taipei Toy Festival 台北國際玩具創作大展
TTF 16th 2019.10.10 (Thu.) - 2019.10.13 (Sun.)
華山1914文創園區 東二館&中四B館1F、2F
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