#TopTenToysof2019 by Cliff Uchida

Cliff Uchida returns to our annual toy-list with sharing his TOP TEN TOYS OF 2019! "... it was quite a hard list to come up with, but I was able to narrow it down finally." Shared @Clifftron1986, "Without further ado, here it is:"
Scroll thru to read, and also Check his 2018-list to see his choices from the year before!

#10. Godzilla Q blind box series (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: I'm not really sure who the designer or toy company is responsible is for this, but these fat chibi Godzilla figures are super cute. The Ghidora figure in this line looks fantastic too.

(Above pix on Instagram)
#9. Unbox and Friends blind box series 2: TriDino from Unbox Industries
CLIFF SAYS: My favorite figure from the Unbox and Friends blind box series 2. The TriDino looks absolutely adorable in this chibi size.
TOYSREVIL: Can you share with us, who you are and what you do?
@clifftron1986: My name is Cliff (@Clifftron1986 on Instagram). I am currently working as security guard, although I am not sure what to do on the long run. I'm still trying to figure that one out.
TOYSREVIL: How long have you been buying (collectible) toys?
@clifftron1986: I am long time toy fan (primarily collecting video game and anime related toys and figures), although I have only seriously jumped into the designer toy scene as of 2015. While I was living in Japan for a year, I remember collecting a lot of Gachapon toys and figures. I remember being especially intrigued by the various Vinyl Artist Gacha toys. I bought a Rangeron and a Bake Boy VAG figure and started doing research on those figures and eventually started going down a rabbit hole of different artists and toy designers who had been featured through the VAG line.

#8. Itokin Park Astronaut (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: One of my toy-grails of 2019, I was able to finally get one at DesignerCon 2019. The hustle and rush to buy one was absolutely nuts, but I'm glad I was able to get one finally. It's such a cute figure. I love the retro looking cartoony design.

#7. Mini Shark Mecha from Momoco Studio (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: I had to choose between the OG silver Mini Shark Mecha I brought from Strange Cat Toys and the yellow Mini Shark Mecha I bought at DesignerCon 2019 but the yellow one wins out being my favorite. The weathering on the yellow Mini Shark Mecha looks really cool.
TOYSREVIL: Where do you normally purchase your toys? Online? Offline from Stores? Events? Which do you prefer? And why?
@clifftron1986: I normally buy my toys online. Sometimes I will buy offline from stores like Plastic and Heroes or Wootbear. I'll usually buy video game and anime toys and figures at anime conventions like Fanime and SacAnime and my designer toy purchases will be primarily done at DesignerCon.
TOYSREVIL: Do you have “toy-grails”? And did you manage to score a “toy-grail” this year (2019)?
@clifftron1986: As of now, I don't have any toy-grails. I was able to sucCessfully buy a few of my toy-grails this year such as the Ziqi Dino and the Itokin Park astronaut.

#6. Ollie Otter from Max Toy Company (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: Between the purple Ollie Otter from DesignerCon 2019 and the blue and orange Ollie Otter from Kaiju Con, I choose the purple Ollie Otter. It's not as overly complex as other soft vinyl designer toys, but I think it is super cute. How can you not fall in love with it?

#5. Google Chrome Dinosaur set from Dead Zebra Inc. (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: Not only does this figure set translate the blocky pixels of the Google Chrome Dinosaur perfectly, but the packaging that comes with this set looks fantastic. It's the perfect display piece for your desktop.

#4. Coco the Astro Chimp from Kentan Works (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: This small astronaut chimp is super cute. I love the overall look of this character.
TOYSREVIL: Any particular focus or toy-aims this year (2020)? Starting any new line?
@clifftron1986: I'd love to try making my own resin toy again. I tried making my own resin toy a few years ago, but unfortunately that project had failed. For now though, I'm trying to pursue more creative projects: making new custom action figures using the Toy Pizza Knights of the Slice action figures as a base, and build more custom Gunpla builds.
TOYSREVIL: Do you belong to any particular or dedicated toy-groups (online or offline)? Do you have “toy-buying buddies”?
@clifftron1986: No offline toy groups unfortunately. I've been trying to convert a few friends who are Funko fanatics into the designer toy scene, but that hasn't succeeded yet, haha. As far as online groups goes, I'm a part of the the Superplastic Marketplace, Superplastic Culture Facebook group (although not as active on that page compared to the other one). I'm more active on the Knights of the Slice fan Facebook group, Marsham Toy Hour Facebook group and the SF Bay Area Gundam Club Facebook group (that last one isn't designer toy focused).

#3. BakeBoy from Baketanblog (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: Until I bought the number 1 favorite designer toy of 2019, this was originally number 1. I really love the design for this figure. The subtle details (namely the plugs and ports on the back) add a really nice touch to it. You'd almost think that this was an actual functioning Gameboy.

#2. ToyCon UK exclusive Blue Dino from Ziqi_Wu (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: This was my second toy-grail of 2019. I've always wanted my own Dino figure and I was able to finally snag one. I absolutely love this guy! The colors used for this Dino look really nice.

#1. Super Sakura from Baketanblog (Above pix on Instagram)
CLIFF SAYS: Ever since I saw the first pics of this online, I fell in love with it immediately and knew I had to get one. It's such a cute and cool figure!
TOYSREVIL: “Toy Buying these days is a solitary affair” = Do you agree with this? How do you feel about this?
@clifftron1986: No, I don't think that is the case anymore. You have social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to share your collection to anyone all over the world. You can get involved in Facebook group pages and connect with fellow designer toy fans. There are even specific conventions catered to the designer toy scene where not only can you interact with fellow toy fans, but the artists themselves.
TOYSREVIL: Where can people go to see your collection?
@clifftron1986: You can see my collection and reviews of my toys on Instagram: @clifftron1986. Not only do you get to see pictures, but I try to write up reviews of each toy I post on my Instagram. I also post up the occasional custom action figure builds and custom Gunpla builds and normal out-of-box Gunpla builds (and reviews of those too). I used to have a Twitter account under the same name, but I barely use it, so consider that one abandoned.