#TopTenToysof2019 by Issac Tang

Today we welcome back Issac Tang (Check his 2018 Top Ten list) to share with us his TOP TEN TOYS OF 2019, with a "bonus" finale to the list!

(Above pix on Instagram)
#10: I'm Your Venus, YU NAGABA
ISSAC-SAYS: Black & White + Minimalist = YU NAGABA's Art. This is the first VINYL Figure from the Japanese Artist for his first overseas solo exhibition.

(Above pix on Instagram)
#9: Re-ment Koupen-chan's Room
ISSAC-SAYS: A therapeutic character from illustrator, RURUTEA. It is called "positive energy penguin" in Chinese. Cute & positive. Can't help but love it!

(Above pix on Instagram)
#8: RED A by TinBot
ISSAC-SAYS: "RED A" is a classic brand which produces quality plastic ware for many years. This collaboration shows the spirit of "Made in Hong Kong".
TOYSREVIL: Can you share with us, who you are and what you do?
@isaac_t88: I'm a marketer, a toy collector, a Hong-Konger.
TOYSREVIL: How long have you been buying (collectible) toys?
@isaac_t88: I have collected Soul of Chogokin for around 10years, and started to collect designer toys since 2015.
TOYSREVIL: Where do you normally purchase your toys? Online? Offline from Stores? Events? Which do you prefer? And why?
@isaac_t88: I prefer to purchase toys from events and have a chance to meet artists.

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#7: Little Dino SpongeBob & Patrick Edition by Ziqi Wu
ISSAC-SAYS: SpongeBob & Patrick transform to Little Dino 🦖.

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#6: Ribon Chan meets to-fu by Meruhen Rieko
ISSAC-SAYS: Glad to know that To-Fu Kun always has a lovely girl be with him :)

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#5: FAIREST OF THEM ALL by Djohan Hanapi
ISSAC-SAYS: I had waited for 2? 3? years for this. Thirsty!!! A Good Polystone Art Figure which created another "fairytale".

(Above pix on Instagram)
ISSAC-SAYS: Rustic, classic, hand-painted. Back to the old days... this is an art piece.
TOYSREVIL: Do you have “toy-grails”? And did you manage to score a “toy-grail” this year (2019)?
@isaac_t88: I have a hunting list for To-Fu Oyako. In 2019, I finished one of my collections of To-Fu Oyako which are 2" figures.
TOYSREVIL: Any particular focus or toy-aims this year (2020)? Starting any new line?
@isaac_t88: At the end of 2019, I utilise my skills (marketing) to organise an event for Jim Dreams (one of my favourite artist) in a shopping mall. I want to explore more special events for artists or toy designers in 2020. This is my "new line" to my collection.

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ISSAC-SAYS: There had been many collaborations with to-fu in 2019, but as a fan of Makalele and a crazy fan of To-Fu Oyako, I had to select this one to be in my top 10 list :)

(Above pix on Instagram)
#2: Fast Food-Themed Series by Jim Dreams
ISSAC-SAYS: This is a collection that took over 2 years (From 2017 - 2019) to complete, where finally, I have made a complete a set of this series. Every character is the legend of 80's characters, all of whom are sleeping ... Let's find the beautiful old days in the dream.

(Above pix on Instagram)
#1: To-Fu Oyako 2" Figures by DEVILROBOTS
ISSAC-SAYS: I found the final puzzle in 2019 = A Full Set of To-Fu Oyako 2" Figures! (There are too) many To-Fu (that) could not be shown on my lis, however, THEY ARE ALL #1!

Kamen Rider mini To-Fu
fufufanny x To-Fu
Mini & My Firsto-Fu painter
Bubble Tea To-Fu
Layer Wood To-Fu
Punk Drunkers x To-Fu
Rampage Toys x To-Fu
TOYSREVIL: Do you belong to any particular or dedicated toy-groups (online or offline)? Do you have “toy-buying buddies”? “Toy Buying these days is a solitary affair” = Do you agree with this? How do you feel about this?
@isaac_t88: Many toy buddies around me :) - and we lure each other to spend everyday lol
TOYSREVIL: Where can people go to see your collection?
@isaac_t88: Instagram @isaac_t88 + Dedicated hashtag: #isaactoycollection!

(Above pix on Instagram)