Previews for "Misappropriated Icon 3" by Strangecat Toys (Opens March 19/2020 at Redefine Gallery)

@strangecattoys will be launching their "Misappropriated Icon 3" show this March 19th at @redefinearts in Orlando, Florida. Featured here are select custom on the bootleg KAWS Companion figure, with the show featuring participating artists: inprimewetrust @frankmontano @ghostfoxtoys @jan_calleja @_._kik_._ @valency @dhanibarragan @luaiso_lopez @fer_mg_studio @mpgautheron @czee13art @hxstudio @squink @redguardiannyc @muffinmansculpts @mus_musculus @el_hooligan @riser13 @littlelazies @candiebolton @dollyoblong @chrisrwk @iamwetworks @moy_loera @rsinart @bakumbaa @jcrivera @jaredcircusbear.
You might want to follow hashtag #misappropriatedicon3 on Insta for updates and further reveals leading to show day!
You can as well check out my coverage for previous shows: Misappropriated Icon 1 (2018) & Misappropriated Icon 2 (2019).