In addition to the official TOYSREVIL YouTube Channel, I also have a Instagram Video Channel - which has combined IGTV and feed videos into one format / single spot / channel.
The TOYSREVIL Insta-"channel" features a diverse line-up of subjects which alas I am currently unable categorise or enact specifically dedicated "playlists" for (as I have been able to on YouTube) for desktop use, but for mobile phone usage, there are currently (recent) videos saved under specific tabs, which includes more than just "designer toys":
#toysreviltoytalk (Season 1)
#hengdraw (My Indulgent Analog Doodle videos)
The above are hash-tagged and includes still-image uploads too. I will endeavour to sort out clearer/easier navigation as I move forward, thanks. Meanwhile, THANK YOU for watching and tuning in, folks!