I've since started something new for the Month Of November, with "TOYTWEETS" essentially embeds of my #toysreviltoytweet TWEETS, which showcases toynews on the @toysrevil Official Twitter posted on this blog as TOYSREVIL TOYTWEETS! Go it? Good, cheers :)
REASON #1: To focus more of my toynews blog-feeding efforts on emailed submissions, cheers.
REASON #2: To promote more of the TOYSREVIL Twitter - which I am presently spending a lot more time on it that I'd expected to be, actually - so might as well share that with you folks, cheers :)
And no I'll not be paying to get "verified" (for the time being lol).
REASON #3: In an attempt to lighten the contine burden of data usage to this blog, to which I am still currently paying for.... Well, before Twitter charges for data usage and embeds...?
REASON #4: In a desperate attempt to thwart the Algorithm Overlords (which has all social media in their All Powerful Death Grips), I will embed said tweets on THIS blog for each day.
REASON #1: To focus more of my toynews blog-feeding efforts on emailed submissions, cheers.
REASON #2: To promote more of the TOYSREVIL Twitter - which I am presently spending a lot more time on it that I'd expected to be, actually - so might as well share that with you folks, cheers :)
And no I'll not be paying to get "verified" (for the time being lol).
REASON #3: In an attempt to lighten the contine burden of data usage to this blog, to which I am still currently paying for.... Well, before Twitter charges for data usage and embeds...?
REASON #4: In a desperate attempt to thwart the Algorithm Overlords (which has all social media in their All Powerful Death Grips), I will embed said tweets on THIS blog for each day.