go mini-toysrevil go!
And so I tried out the "Make Your Own Miniman Movie" feature at www.gominimango.com/miniyou [blogged-about HERE] where all you need to do is:
01. Upload your own profile-pic unto the website, where your face will go unto the main LEGO-Miniman (in video posted above). A frontal portrait would work better, IMHO.
02. Resize your facial proportions to fit the Miniman-"face"
03. Apply Contrast level to your own face (Essentially it will be in B&W - see pic-left).
04. Press "Make Movie" - then see "yourself" be a part of the Go Miniman Go-video!
The "original" video is shown above, while the one with MINI-TOYSREVIL is viewable HERE (heh). Go make your own, and feel free to CLICK THRU to see me as a Disco Dancer, an X-Wing Fighter and an Astronaut freaking out in space! (Well, I had fun anyways :p)