toy review : saturday toys swat gear set
Saturday Toys have arrived in singapore, sunday just! ~ got me the male-set to check out before i'd commit to the female-set.

rudimentary to the point of no-frills packaging (hopefully defraying the final cost, as well!), with the gears all strapped unto a basic cardboard-frame. the shelf-price was SGD$50 per set and it does not include boots, gas mask or any weapons.
the fit:
tried putting the uniform unto a BBI-G3 figure. the shirt fit rather decently, while the pants seemed more suited to a slimmer waist (altho it still fit well on the G3). lazy-me tried to pull-up the pants together with the various straps (originally attached) ~ doesn't work, so i hadda strip it all down and attach-on after the pants were up.
look of basic set-up:

the gears:
it was a pretty tight-fit indeed with the safety-vest and gear-vest. mayhap it'll work better on a fig with smaller chest (appreciate the small-zipper-head tho). the pouch-details weren't really half-bad, made of thinner material, which should make for better draping when ya stuff i up. the straps reminded me of basic 21st Century stuff a whiles back, but with velcro, lots of it! it didn't come with a belt (per se) which is fine, coz you'd wanna replace it anyways. the gun-holster was a pleasant surprise and you'd know effort was put into that. and while i found the shoulder-emblem a real pain-in-da-ass, the worst item has got to be the baseball cap. totally useless, it couldn't even get a grip on the headsculpt i used - too small even!
other than that, tis as decent as you'll be able to get, at this price and day and toy-age.
additional set-up:

add on additional stuff like boots, knee-guards and weapons (and mayhap an eye-patch? *heh*) and the set seems more than utilitarian and makes for a decent value-for-money.

me? i'd rather hold-out for some bargains for the good 'ol BBI LAPD SWAT boxed sets (can't afford / rather than Hot Toys, IMHO) ~ IF i could find them, that is! hope this lil review helped? *cheers*

rudimentary to the point of no-frills packaging (hopefully defraying the final cost, as well!), with the gears all strapped unto a basic cardboard-frame. the shelf-price was SGD$50 per set and it does not include boots, gas mask or any weapons.
the fit:
tried putting the uniform unto a BBI-G3 figure. the shirt fit rather decently, while the pants seemed more suited to a slimmer waist (altho it still fit well on the G3). lazy-me tried to pull-up the pants together with the various straps (originally attached) ~ doesn't work, so i hadda strip it all down and attach-on after the pants were up.
look of basic set-up:

the gears:
it was a pretty tight-fit indeed with the safety-vest and gear-vest. mayhap it'll work better on a fig with smaller chest (appreciate the small-zipper-head tho). the pouch-details weren't really half-bad, made of thinner material, which should make for better draping when ya stuff i up. the straps reminded me of basic 21st Century stuff a whiles back, but with velcro, lots of it! it didn't come with a belt (per se) which is fine, coz you'd wanna replace it anyways. the gun-holster was a pleasant surprise and you'd know effort was put into that. and while i found the shoulder-emblem a real pain-in-da-ass, the worst item has got to be the baseball cap. totally useless, it couldn't even get a grip on the headsculpt i used - too small even!
other than that, tis as decent as you'll be able to get, at this price and day and toy-age.
additional set-up:

add on additional stuff like boots, knee-guards and weapons (and mayhap an eye-patch? *heh*) and the set seems more than utilitarian and makes for a decent value-for-money.

me? i'd rather hold-out for some bargains for the good 'ol BBI LAPD SWAT boxed sets (can't afford / rather than Hot Toys, IMHO) ~ IF i could find them, that is! hope this lil review helped? *cheers*