bamboozoo mini series by peskimo x kidrobot

TOYSREVIL: How did the name come about? And what does "bamboozoo" mean?
PESKIMO: We had lots of name ideas but when we came up with the name for Papa Bamboo we decided we'd make him the focal character and name the series after him. He is the fella with the bushy ginger beard you can see on the box!

TOYSREVIL: Where these figures created specifically for KR? Or based on characters you've done in the past?
PESKIMO: We designed the majority of the characters while we were travelling the world, so some of the names and styles are inspired from places and things we saw, such as Onsen, the Japanese bathing ape. Hobson was a character we designed for Get Involved, a friends club night in London and Tummy Toaster Terror was designed for the Monster Mash, and exhibition we put on in 2006.

TOYSREVIL: Cheers for the trouble, Jodie and David! looking forward to more and full reveals of each and every character!
UPDATE 03.05: Product is now listed on Kidrobot
So cute, they're terrifying.
BambooZoo is filled with scary drooly beasties and serene furry things - weird horned creatures and critters that scream for attention - and they all want to be your friends!
Brought to life by British artists, Peskimo (David + Jodie), BambooZoo is an ultra-cute collection of 3-inch vinyl monsters, many with articulated grabby parts and friends like bunnies, blobs or toast!
The blindbox menagerie is habitat for 16 figures including 2 mystery species lurking somewhere around the bend... a sticker in each box proves you've seen the safari!
The BambooZoo invades on Thursday, May 8th at 11:00am EST.