DYNO by Fluffyhouse for Bangkok (#TTE2017) & South Korea (#ATC2017)

Two colorway editions of DYNO from Fluffyhouse will each appear and be available in South Korea and Bangkok this week - with the pastel pink MISTY ROSE available at Dazzle Zone-D1 in Thailand Toy Expo (May 4-7, 2017), and the MOONSHINE GREY Edition to be unleashed at Art Toy Culture (May 3-7) - where Fluffyhouse will be boothing this year at B2.

Neither prices nor quantities revealed at this point for this 4-inch tall lonely vinyl dinosaur, Stay connected to Instagram @fluffyhouse00 for further updates!

DYNO loves wandering through the nature. One day when he passed by a forest surrounded by thick fog, he was attracted by a unique scent which he had never smelled before. He thus decided to get inside and trace the source. As he followed the scent trail, he finally found out the owner, a misty rose which has grown beautifully among the trees and grasses. When he tried to get closer, he felt that the lovely flower was smiling shyly at him. It made DYNO's heart beat so fast for the first time and the color of the misty rose gradually covered his whole body. Misty Rose DYNO symbolizes the unique and shy feeling of love which we have once experienced. 喜歡在大自然中遊走的DYNO, 某天經過一座被濃霧包圍著的森林時突然被一股從沒嗅過的獨特芳香吸引,於是他決定進入森林找出香氣的來源。 隨著那陣陣神秘卻讓人心情愉快的氣味東走走西跑跑, 他終於在迷霧中找到了香氣的來源— 一朵亭亭玉立於大樹與青草之間的粉紅霧玫瑰。 正當他湊近那花兒並想一親芳澤時, 竟發現她彷彿也在向自己露出了嬌羞的笑容, 令內心第一次出現如此悸動的DYNO全身頓時抹上了如那霧玫瑰般的粉紅色。 霧玫瑰DYNO--象徵著我們都經歷過的那獨一無二又羞澀的愛情。 * Mistyrose DYNO will be firstly released at TTE2017 霧玫瑰DYNO將在泰國玩具展2017首賣 #fluffyhouse #dynodyno #mistyrosedyno #thailandtoyexpo #thailandtoyexpo2017 #TTE2017 #arttoy #love

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【아트토이컬처2017 - DYNO 배지 이벤트】 이번활동을 좋은 기억에 많니 남기기 위해 저희 새로운 달빛 그레이 DYNO 배지를 준비했습니다. 간단하게 이 페이스북 페이지의 좋아요 버튼을 클릭하고 이 포스트를 공유하면 한 배지를 얻을 수 있습니다! 여려분 아트토이컬처에 만나요! ❤ *이벤트는 상황에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다 . . 【ATC2017 Free NEW DYNO Badges Give Away!】 To make the event more memorable, Fluffy House has prepared new DYNO badges for friends who visit our booths (B2) during ATC! Simply like our page, share this post and you can get one free badge at our booth during the event! Looking forward to seeing you soon! ❤ *Offer is subject to availability #FluffyHouse #dynodyno #giveaway #badge #gray #arttoyculture

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【TTE2017 Free NEW DYNO Badges Give Away!】 To make the event more memorable, Fluffy House has prepared new DYNO badges for friends who visit our booth (Dazzle Zone-D1)during TTE! Simply like our Facebook page, share this post and you can get one free badge at our booth during the event! Looking forward to seeing you soon! ❤ *Offer is subject to availability 【TTE2017 全新DYNO紀念襟章派送活動!】 為了讓活動更具紀念性,這次展覽我們為到訪的朋友們準備了特別的DYNO小襟章! 只要讚好我們Facebook專頁和分享這帖子,便能在現場取得限定襟章囉! 期待在會場與您們見面!:D *數量有限,送完即止! . . #fluffyhouse #dynodyno #giveaway #TTE2017 #badge #arttoy

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Whenever the moon hangs high in the clear sky, DYNO must go out for moon-bathing which will always be a whole night long. He must be yearning for somebody, isn't he? When the silvery moonlight pours upon his body, his loneliness becomes more prominent. Yet, the moonlight brings him comfort just like a gentle lover does. At this moment, DYNO's body shines in a soft gray light. The whole world then turns so splendid. It is said that yearning for love is painful. Some may say it's a kind of sickness... However, DYNO under the moonlight has definitely shows us the sparkling beauty of it. . . 晚上只要看見月亮高掛空中, DYNO總喜歡出外曬曬月光, 一呆就是整個晚上, 是在思念著某人吧﹖ 那閃閃的銀光灑落在DYNO身上, 突顯了他的形單隻影, 卻又像戀人般帶來了溫柔的安慰。 那一刻的DYNO身體被影照得額外灰亮, 柔美生輝。 有人說思念很痛, 甚至可能是一種病, 但在月色下的DYNO卻讓我們看見思念的美。 *DYNO Moonshine Gray will be firstly released at ATC2017 月光灰 DYNO 將在ATC2017首 #fluffyhouse #Dynodyno #moonshine #gray #arttoy #toycollection #atc2017 #arttoyculture

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