HALF-FACE / HALF-HEAD #lockdowncollab Art Challenges on Instagram

This period of "lockdown" in various parts of the world has since led to a number of collaborative art -specifically for the focus of this blog-feature: in the form of a "half-face" or "half-head" set-up - whereby an artist/creator/brand/blog presents one HALF of a FACE (either left or right), and prompts folks to draw in the other half on the other side - be it their own interpretation, in their own style, and maybe even their own character! And the results are digital eye-candy!
Thus far I've noticed more of this happening on Instagram - some examples I've featured below - predominantly catering to digital illustration/art. Take a look at what you can join in the art-fun with, if you already have not, that is!
Also Note: I have not credited each individual artists' art in this post, but please do click thru to the dedicated hashtags of each collabo and check out their Insta-streams directly! ENJOY!

There is the #TEQlockdowncollab and #dr76lockdowncollab (initiated by @martian_toys) for Quiccs's TEQ63 and Dragon76's DR76 (Both templates downloadable via We.Transfer here).

@playfulgorilla has started a swell "Ape Together Strong"-spirited collaboration, which has a dedicated hashtag at #pgcovidcollab.

In addition to #fanart-styled depiction of @mcaevildesign's Evil Ape Fink via hashtag @myapefink (of which I humbly participated in too :p), there is also the half-face collabo art too.

@thetoychronicle offers up their mascot for a round of half-face collaboration with a dedicated hashtag too at "#ttclockdown"!
Alas, not EVERY collaboration has a dedicated hashtag, except for the open edition "#lockdowncollab" which most folks have added into their IG-vocab...

@spankystokes offers up his STROLL character (PSD / PDF / JPG Template downloadable here), with the collaborative results posted in his Instagram Stories (Good call tho)!

Another artist's half-face collaboration that does not have a dedicated hashtag, but has posted on his mystory, is Colombia-based Art Director Don Motta (IG @donmotta28), with his "Happy Face Challenge" template downloaded via Behance!

New Zealand-based MARX1 (IG @marxone) has the template posted here on IG (or you can try Doing hi for the Ai file :p). All collabo art are posted in his IG-stream.

From France, Julien EKIEM (@ekiemone) as well does not have a dedicated hashtag for his "Wolf"-head, but you can check out all collaborative art vis his mystory too!

And while technically NOT a "half-head", Visual Artist Martkills (IG @martkills) is offering a full half-body for collabo (Template downloadable via Google Drive), with these are some examples posted unto his IG-stream AND mystory!

At this age of a global virus threatening humanity, and folks staying indoors and at home, to help stem the infection of Covid-19, 2-dimensional drawn art has become the best way to showcase a visual result (than one would have to wait for a 3-dimensonal collectible toy to be produced in a factory, and be delivered to your doorstep, IMHO), an with what was/is a solitary endeavour, has now opened the possibilities for engaging in your peers, fellow practitioners and more! Pretty invigorating, if not for the circumstance...!
I've always enjoyed the "collaborative" aspect of art, and decided to share this sliver of the joy I had experience before...
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