My "Cat Life" Sonny Angel Blind Box Pull

Here's a in-hand look at my Sonny Angel blind box pull, from the "Cat Life" Series (Mad expensive on Amazon), as gifted from my brother, and after that a lil'throwback to my earlier toy-experiences with the platform figure...

WHAT-ARE: "Sonny Angel" is a line of tiny, cherub-like dolls that are popular in over 33 countries. Born in Japan, the dolls are inspired by the Kewpie doll and are known for their cuteness and comfort.

Essentially a "platform toy", the figures are regularly released in themed series, like FOOD, ANIMALS, FLOWERS etc, most times adorning their head/headgear, very much like DIMOOWORLD and it's ilk (from Pop Mart).

TOYSREVIL THROWBACK: My earliest Sonny Angel figure was back in 2005, as a gift for my then girlfriend and shared toy-joy (and whose multiple toy-snaps since lost amidst the www) ... followed by encountering Sonny Angel Capsules @ Anime Festival Asia 2008 (which I still have the mini-est of Angels eeeeee) .... right up to the Christmas Prezzie from my sister (in 2014) ... which frankly is not a whole lot of Sonny Angel-features own TOYSREVIL and my hoard, I know, I know...

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